Waiting for Appointment at Memory Clinic


Registered User
Jul 24, 2023
Hi, my husband is 61, we are at present waiting for appointment at Memory Clinic. His memory has never been brilliant, but back in April he ended up in hospital with dangerously high blood pressure. We now have this under control but his memory is getting worse and I’m pretty safe to say I notice things on a daily basis. Gp referred him to memory matters but also put him on anti-depressants as he does get depressed (mainly due to not remembering simple things). Situation has changed in the last week as work has now deemed him unfit to work due to his memory problems (he’s an engineer and sheet fabricator by trade). I have spoken with Memory Team and explained the situation, they are saying it is upto 6 months waiting for appointment although they would take his case to their team meeting today. I have also again spoken with gp due to his rapid decline - could he have had stroke (this runs in family) could it be a brain tumour? All gp says is he didn’t present symptoms of either of these and for me to keep calling memory clinic. Not sure what to do next, there’s definitely something going on in his brain, all we need is a diagnosis so we can deal with it, it’s the not knowing 😢

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Lakeland67

At least the memory team will discuss your husband today. I hope something comes from this. He is too young to wait 6 months for a diagnosis.

If your husband has been classed as unfit for work it's really serious. I wonder if the Dementia Helpline could help you further You have nothing to lose by contacting them.



Registered User
Jul 24, 2023
Thanks @Grannie G, I spoke with them Friday and he has been allocated two nurses who will meet with us at home, he doesn’t think he has a problem, hopefully we will get some answers.

tricia turner

New member
Aug 3, 2023
It takes 6 months to see the memory clinic. That's terrible. So what can you do in the meantime to get help .my mum 80 and there me and my sister .taking it I'm turns to be with my mum .I do live with my mum but I do work and my daughter single parent with a disabled child witch I help her a lot .my mum early stages you think I can leave her for few hours ?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
It takes 6 months to see the memory clinic. That's terrible. So what can you do in the meantime to get help .my mum 80 and there me and my sister .taking it I'm turns to be with my mum .I do live with my mum but I do work and my daughter single parent with a disabled child witch I help her a lot .my mum early stages you think I can leave her for few hours ?
Hi @tricia turner In the early stages I was able to leave my husband on his own for a couple of hours, the was at that stage physically fit and his memory not too bad. As the dementia progressed he would get distressed when I went out as he had forgotten what I had said to him. You need to decide if you feel confident that your mum can be safely left on her own for a while.
Even if you do not have a diagnosis I would suggest that you contact your local social services to arrange a carers assessment for yourself and a needs assessment for your mum.

tricia turner

New member
Aug 3, 2023
Hi @tricia turner In the early stages I was able to leave my husband on his own for a couple of hours, the was at that stage physically fit and his memory not too bad. As the dementia progressed he would get distressed when I went out as he had forgotten what I had said to him. You need to decide if you feel confident that your mum can be safely left on her own for a while.
Even if you do not have a diagnosis I would suggest that you contact your local social services to arrange a carers assessment for yourself and a needs assessment for your mum.
OK thank you I didn't no I had to contact social services thank u so much x


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
OK thank you I didn't no I had to contact social services thank u so much x
You do not have to contact social services if you don't want to but it is a good idea as the social workers can let you know what help there is in your area. I don't think that they would be able to speed up the memory assessment though.
Following my assessment the social worker arranged a sitter for my husband twice a week. This enables me to go out for a walk, meet friends, go to a monthly craft class etc.


Registered User
Jul 24, 2023
Morning, after speaking with Memory Team and explaining my husband is now unfit for work and memory getting worse, they did what they said and discussed at team meeting. We now have a meeting today so hopefully we may be going forward with a diagnosis. He doesn’t yet want to stop working but due to the nature of his job it is a safety issue 🤞