Visiting nursing homes


New member
Sep 1, 2020
Hi everyone. Sorry if there have been lots of posts like this already, I am new here.
I was wondering if anyone knows a care home who are implementing the suggestions by the Alzheimer’s Society with regards to individual visitation plans? My dad’s nursing home has a blanket rule for everyone which is a 30 minute visit every 2 weeks. Last time I saw my dad, he had lost even more weight and was starving. Every time I have been able to see him he is very hungry. He is unable to feed himself because of strokes related to vascular dementia. Last week it was raining so it was the first time I had been in his room and all the cakes I had left for him had barely been eaten and were all out of date.
Food issue aside, if I was able to visit in full PPE twice a week for at least an hour or so, I could feed him and he could be less anxious. He’s very agitated in the garden visits, he knew who I was when I came to his room and even smiled.
I emailed the care home about an individual visiting plan last week and I have yet to hear back. I wondered what other people’s experiences were. Thanks.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Hello and welcome @nad4

I don't have an answer to the question but wonder if anyone on the helpline could assist. Details as follows



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me to @nad4. I’m sorry I can’t help but I just wanted to welcome you. I’m glad you’ve found the forum.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @nad4

I hope you get some joy with more visits for your dad but with regard to the food issue does your dad have help to eat? At my dad’s carehome people who couldn’t feed themselves were fed by the carers. Have you spoken to the manager and asked what they’re doing regarding his meals?
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Registered User
Jul 16, 2019
Hi @nad4, welcome to the forum. I imagine it is painful only being able to see Dad in such a limited window, without the worry of his weight loss. I agree with @Bunpoots if you are concerned about your Dad's weight you must raise it formally with the Care Manager and they should start to monitor his weight - with my Mum they used to weigh her weekly and introduced a dietitian and recorded how much she was eating, as well as some high calorie supplements. I know that being able to feed Dad yourself would be the ideal scenario but I am guessing that may be problematic at the moment - however, you could offer up your services as part of the support package to increase Dad's weight.


Registered User
Mar 31, 2020
Hi @nad4 .
Yes experienced similar with mum in her carehome, has lost weight ,unable to drink or eat herself and is now immobile, from being able to both before lockdown. The home is following strict weekly updates and guidelines from their local public health advisor so its not individual home managerial decision. There's no individual visit plans as per Alzeimers guidance at all. Very strict. Allowed to make one compassionate visit inside home under more exceptional circumstances, which I was allowed to do last week due to her significant deterioration and I'm now looking into option of nursing care as she needs ,2 carers to move her now. In talking to SW she may not be allowed to move to our county as funding levels higher here and they're refusing to pay difference. As regards your dad's care put it in writing to the care home that you have concerns regarding his ability to eat and making sure he's got enough support and time. Ask for this aspect to be included on his care plan and for them to update you on his weight. Make it clear you'd like them to open his food extras and give him some each day. Sadly, I've found that you literally have to spell it out or very obvious things don't happen, which has been the case with my mum. If you have any concerns about his health deriorating rapidly ask for meeting with manager and social care for review of his care needs. I wasn't updated over last 6 months with mums significant changes , every time I phoned to ask after her I was told she's fine or well. I'm now going to make formal complaint as found she's also still not had pain relief given. Please don't be alarmed by our situation, but do ensure you follow up anything your concerned over, theres so much emphasis on keeping Covid free that basic caring gets overlooked . Good luck.

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