USA medical care system is different


Registered User
Jan 20, 2009
I felt the need to state that the US medical care system is quite different than yours in the UK. Some of the threads are helpful to those that live in the UK, but unfortunately don't help the very few of us that live in the US that are on TP. Is there anyone out there that lives in the US and is dealing with this disease? (No offense intended) Aside from that, you guys have been wonderful in every other way. It seems less complex over here, but as far as expense, it's overwhelming unless you have long term care insurance. If there's something helpful that I'm not aware of please don't hesitate to jump in and give your opinion.


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
Well yes it is different. I'm in the US and am dealing with ongoing medical expenses for my husband (who has leukemia (in remission)). However, I am totally confused by the interaction of medicare and private medical insurance. We're not quite to medicare yet, but MIL is and the amount of paper drives me dotty. Anyway, I know we have a few posters who are dealing with this on the US side of the pond and maybe they can give you pointers (most of my knowledge relates to the UK as that's where my mother was).


Registered User
Mar 23, 2008
coast of texas
Regina, yes it is Very different and I think in some ways we may be lucky. I live on the coast of Texas and have just spent the past several years taking care of my mother. She is gone now, but I still keep track of TP. If you have any questions I'll be glad to help if I can. I came here too, tho not for the support or knowledge of the business end of taking care but more for the side that shows the empathy. I found here in the US the ideas of people to be really still under a rock. Shove the family member in a corner and forget them attitude....sorry to seem harsh.

Jennifer I promise the more you work thru the insurance companies the easier it gets. The best peice of advice I can give you tho is to find one person at the insurance company, get their extension and remmber it. When you create a "relationship" at an insurance company you can get them to do more for you or even then they might give you little "tips" as to how to make it work for you. This doesn't happen overnight but it does work.




Registered User
Mar 23, 2008
coast of texas
JUst a BIG HUG for TP!

Erik is very right about the website and it is a good however, lacks something in the human touch that you can recieve on this website...just my opnion, others from the US may be able to navigate it to help them. TP has a quality about it that helps mentally. I guess you could say that even over the "technology TP still manages to have a human shoulder to cry on" tha seems so real.

The US website has the forum but for some reason for me it just wasn't a connection that made me feel comfortable...tho I will admit that it is a wonderful place to find people in your area who are in the same boat and these people will be wonderful support systems face to face. Been there...done that...still talk and support those going thru it.




Registered User
Jan 20, 2009
Thanks to you all.
I will try the USA website.
Your comment that everyone wants to shove their loved one under the rug is so true. I have been fortunate to have peoples support. Not enough though. They are empathetic, but are not available as much as I need. They think I'm doing a wonderful thing, but at the same time they are not knocking my door down to help. What happened to the days when grandma lived with you and the whole family helped with her. I long for those days.
Mostly I think we are more spread out here in the US, so if people live 2,000 miles away and they can't quit their jobs, they feel it's easier to put the patient in a "place".
Thanks for your input.:D

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