Update - its crunch time this week with ss


Registered User
Sep 13, 2012
SS rang me Friday. The SW has been allocated (hope he/she is a good one) and they are coming on Wednesday. I won't be beating around the bush anymore. I am going to tell them they either convince Mum she's going into respite or I am withdrawing my caring role for her! If SS had been in the hospital in the early hours of Thursday morning they would have definitely committed her under the MHA. Now Mum is back to normal - normal meaning she's still nasty, self-obsessed and moaning at everything and everyone. I am absolutely shattered and feel really ill. As I noticed the notes when the PACE team came (had a sneaky peak) under carer it said "carer now burnt out". Good! Maybe they will now act. I am going away to my cousins week after next and I don't care what arrangements they make whether it'll be carers are home or respite, I am still going come hell or high water. If she falls whilst I'm away then SS will have to deal with it. I have learnt a hard lesson this past week. If Mum ends up in A&E in the early hours again, I leave her there, go home, unplug landline and switch off mobile, go to sleep and re-connect phones when I feel like I'm able to function and cope after a good rest. All the while I'm unavailable Mum cannot come home.

Thanks to all the T.P'ers out there that have been supporting me through this really strained and difficult time. Big hugs to all, Sue xx


Registered User
Jun 8, 2012
I think you are a saint FWIW - I don't live with Mum and I couldn't and wouldn't have her here. I just couldn't cope with no escape when she gets to her angry places.

You do what i right for you, let SS do what is right for your Mum. You've done your share.


Registered User
Mar 25, 2010
Brisbane Australia
Its sad but sometimes that is how you have to be before you can get the help you need. Stick to your guns.
Frankly its you or your Mum now. Its up to SS to do something. Hope all goes well Wednesday
Nanak (Kim)


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
I agree with Noorza and Kim

You simply can't carry on like this anymore.It's hard to be tough but it will be even harder on your Mum and you if you don't get some comprehensive help.

Well done for being strong.

Take care

Lyn T