*UPDATE!* And now, Mum-in-Law.


Registered User
Apr 12, 2014
Hello to all,

This is a follow up to my previous post:


Thanks again to you all for your support and wisdom. I don't know what we'd do without you!

You will NOT believe this, but here goes!!!

Sister phoned us last night, Mum-in-Law called her last evening around 8:30, weeping in horrible pain!! Remember how I mentioned she had fallen the day before? Her head was in terrible pain! She was begging for help and crying! She told sister that she had called ambulance. At that point, I told hubby I was going to call the ambulance myself to make SURE she did call them and wasn't confused.

The ambulance said they were on their way, that was at 8:45 PM. Something in my gut instinct told me not to trust that, but when I told hubby we should check again around 9:30, he told me that he was sure mum-in-law would have been picked up by now.

Roll on 10:15 PM. Sister calls us to tell us that mum-in-law had JUST then been picked up!!!! ( Oh yes, I will be making a big noise about this!!)

She has a friend, well...husband and wife. They are the ones I mentioned are not good for her and we feel they have been enabling her by getting her car un-clamped and telling her it's just a wee memory issue. Not to worry.

It was the husband who went to mum's house to wait for the ambulance.

So, at last we knew last evening, mum had gone to hospital-where she would be in good hands. We waited to find out what the head scan would say.

Roll on this morning. Sister phones mum's cell. She's at HOME! Further, she has NO recollection of the entire night! "No dear, I didn't go to hospital last night. I went went to sleep on the sofa with the dog. No, I've not fallen. My head is fine!"

We checked and YES, she did go to hospital and no, they NEVER scanned her head. They sent her home!

I absolutely cannot believe this. Then, sister phoned the husband friend. He said "Yes, she was at hospital, but she felt fine later. Well, all's well that ends well, eh?" (I don't have a smiley for how I feel about what he said!)

She is due tomorrow in hospital to have her gallbladder out. We are left PRAYING that she will be noticed. That they will see what is going on. Apparently they will be giving her an epidural for her surgery-which I've never heard of. As I understand it, laprascopic gallbladder surgery requires air to be put into the tummy and can be quite upsetting. Can you imagine how she is going to handle this?

I am so frightened for her! I think we are looking at both vascular dementia, but I think she may have had another stroke. I mean she has NO memory of last night. None at all.

Sorry for my very long post, but I had to share this.

Thanks again for all your help!
