Unsure if mother has undiagnosed start of dementia


New member
Aug 13, 2023

My names Becky, hopefully I can use this forum for some advice and support. I live with my mum, who’s 75 and I’ve been worried for a while she may have early dementia. I think she’s worried too, whenever I’ve tried to broach it with her she’s gets quite snappy and angry and once went 5 days without speaking to me after I tried to persuade her to get a set of bloods to check for inflammatory markers in case she had an infection.

She won’t see the doctor but it all started a few years ago when she stopped reading - something she’s always loved as a massive bookworm.
Since then she’s been increasingly watching tv, getting muddled with cooking and struggling to initiate things, whether it’s calling the plumber when needed or calling the hairdresser or pharmacy etc.

Her memory’s fine, it seems to be executive function that’s affected so she’d pass any basic memory test and would need a more in depth mocca assessment (I think)

I’d love to hear other peoples thoughts, at present I’m just writing things down as they happen and keeping a close eye. I don’t have much support from family but have wonderful colleagues in the nhs I often seek advice from, but without my mum going to the gp I’m a bit stuck.

Anyway that’s me. It would be lovely to hear from some of you.



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @Bmo37 and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to read about your mum and your worries about her health. If your mum is reluctant to go to the doctors you could perhaps write out a bullet point list of all of your concerns and email it to your mum's GP. Hopefully they would then call her in for a 'well woman' check or on some other pretext but there are no guarantees that they will do so.