Unexplained Itchy skin


Registered User
Aug 30, 2020
I wonder how many other people with loved ones in care homes have encountered unexplained itchy skin syndrome. After months and months we’ve finally got to the bottom of it and it’s scabies. Just wondering how many other people there are out there with itchy skin and no known reason for it.


Registered User
Apr 13, 2022
Our mum had itchy skin at the beginning of last year.
Around April/May she started developing what appeared to be a fungal type infection around her thumb and nail. The nursing home were very proactive in immediately seeking advice from the GP who prescribed a cream. This wasn't really effective.
I did mention to the home about the possibility of scabies and they checked with the GP who didn't believe it was. Whilst attending an appointment for a separate issue at the hospital the doctor called for a dermatologist to check mums hands and he confirmed it wasn't scabies, but he did prescribe mum with stronger cream.

Eventually (Nov) a scraping was taken and sent to the School of Tropical medicine in Liverpool who confirmed it was Norwegian Scabies!! She was prescribed special cream and tablets. Within a month her hands were pretty much clear of any infection.

It would appear issues with scabies is not uncommon within care settings.



Registered User
Aug 30, 2020
Thank you. I also get the feeling it is more common than is understood. My experience has been similar in that successive GPs have not recognised scabies and it took a dermatologist to diagnose it after several months.