Undiagnosed and waiting for memory clinic appointment


Registered User
Apr 25, 2022
My husband is showing signs of dementia and is in complete denial with both physical and mentally issues. He is non compliant and I find it hard to cope with him. He always says he is all right when he is not. For example he saw a vascular consultant this morning to discuss procedure to do with his severe varicose veins. He was explained the risks associated with the procedure and he declined having it. He told the consultant he is 82 and does not want the procedure. It is done as a day surgery. Since he has capacity I do not have a say in the matter. Personally I do not think he will cope even when he was younger and well, he hated going to the doctor and always say he is fine. When I mentioned to the consultant I think he has d in a low voice as he is hard of hearing, he told me may be best to leave it as it’s his decision. He is being booked urgently to see gastro as his liver enzymes are high. I dread to think what will happen if he refuses further investigations. Can persuade him for scan but for endoscopy or colonoscopy that will be hard as he is showing signs of bowel issues. Interested to know how do you cope with invasive procedures for pwd! Thanks


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
I had a colonoscopy recently. The prep is very demanding
I don’t know how PWD could cope 😢


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Mum is 88. On her behalf I declined an internal pelvic scan on her behalf.
We decided to take our chances without