UK Scientists Grow A Living Human 'Brain'


Registered User -br-45dbed5.html

he team at Aston University created tiny bundles of cells which act like a mini nervous system.

They believe it could help find a cure for degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, motor neurone or Parkinson's disease.Professor Michael Coleman is leading the research.

He explained: "We are aiming to be able to study the human brain at the most basic level, using an actual living human cellular system

What do you all this ?

Sounds very wired, but positive in finding a cure
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Registered User
Thanks for that .

I was just using another Lap top,screen half crack :rolleyes:.
While my daughter was using my one .


Registered User
It's a bit creepy no? Still I'll support most things that give some hope for the future even if they seem to be a bit "mad scientist".


Registered User
Amazingly they are using living human cellular system. I had to look up what living human cellular system was

Its A human cellular system capable of undergoing in vitro differentiation: measurement of genotoxic parameters useful for cytotoxicity evaluation.

So then had to look up cytotosicity



The quality or state of being cytotoxic.

Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC), a form of lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity that functions only if antibodies are bound to the target cell.

Then a genotoxic is

DNA: pertaining to agents known to damage DNA, thereby causing mutations.
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