U.T.I. - what a painful bother!


Registered User
Sep 2, 2013
Hampshire England
My client is a delicate lady who suffers with chronic cystitis since her childhood
For two years I have managed to 'control' it with lots of liquid intake and have been managing with cranberries, blueberries, pineapple, lots of water on a daily basis and occasionally a little drink with a teaspoon of baking soda to neutralise the acidity in the urine.
As a full time Carer, we too need a little break now and then - and to my disappointment upon my return I faced this new 'drama'. It is not easy to explain the pain; burning sensation; and 'nothing is happening' when using the potty!
To add to my troubles, I am cleaning the house from top to bottom to get rid of the smell (used all the lemons available at out local shop).
I'd like to treat it without the antibiotics ;)
Any suggestions please?


Registered User
Oct 3, 2011
Wow, what a wonderful job you have been doing in keeping things as good as you have over a long period of time, and what a shame you have returned from your break to face another challenge. I am sorry I don't have any answer for you other than the antibiotics which, having witnessed first hand the impact a UTI had on my wife, I was only too pleased to have them prescribed for her and see the infection and effects clear up quite quickly. I wish both you and your client a speedy solution to your latest dilemma.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2007
SW London
Have you tried the cystitis relief sachets (to make into a drink) you can get over the counter in chemists? In this family we have occasionally found them a godsend. They relieve the awful symptoms quite quickly.

Of course if symptoms don't go after the usual 2or 3 day course then GP and probably ABs are called for. Have found in the past that symptoms can disappear within hours.


Registered User
Sep 2, 2013
Hampshire England
Thank you Acco. No doubt a course of antibiotics would be ideal, however she is used to herbal/homeopathic alternatives and I am positive that she'll recover soon.

Thank you Witzend. Yes we have these sachets and also cranberryne pills too. It's a full time job making sure she is drinking plenty, eating the right foods and fortunately by the w-end we shall see some improvements. Dinner time tonight and she gave me a little smile. Hooray hopefully she is not in too much discomfort. :p
The ABs will be last measure.

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Thank you Acco. No doubt a course of antibiotics would be ideal, however she is used to herbal/homeopathic alternatives and I am positive that she'll recover soon.

Thank you Witzend. Yes we have these sachets and also cranberryne pills too. It's a full time job making sure she is drinking plenty, eating the right foods and fortunately by the w-end we shall see some improvements. Dinner time tonight and she gave me a little smile. Hooray hopefully she is not in too much discomfort. :p
The ABs will be last measure.

Apple cider vinegar in warm water has helped me with cystitis in the past. I always find a warm wheatbag and paracetamol help to keep the discomfort minimised but sounds like you've probably got that covered. Hope it is gone soon for her sake obviously but yours too.
best wishes


Registered User
Sep 2, 2013
Hampshire England
Apple cider vinegar in warm water has helped me with cystitis in the past. I always find a warm wheatbag and paracetamol help to keep the discomfort minimised but sounds like you've probably got that covered. Hope it is gone soon for her sake obviously but yours too.
best wishes

Thank you Sue J, - New one to me. Apple cider vinegar. No doubt vinegar is well know for its 1001 practicalities
She slept well and the bed is wet for half of this Canton's population!


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Have a word with your pharmacist...we have used the remedy "Pot Cit" ie Potassium Citrate for years. It's an over the counter remedy taken in water to help to neutralise the acid in urine.....but, of course as with any OTC remedy, ask the chemist first!!
Then, as otherwise mentioned, GP after three days if no better.

Soryy, just saw you post from Switzerland ( lucky you). I'm fairly sure your pharmacists will be able to suggest something similar.
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