Trouble with social services and aggressive father part way through dementia diagnosis


New member
Oct 21, 2021
Hello all. I am really struggling and hope someone can offer advice.

I’ve been a carer for both my parents since 2013 when I noticed both of them were struggling memory wise. Both had shown signs of depresssion for a little while before. Initially as nether would go to a gp I was unpaid and funded myself with doing a degree. Shortly after finishing my degree my father had 2 spells in hospital and I was encouraged to apply for attendance allowance for him and become his carer. This was in 2019. A few moths later my mum agreed to go to a gp but my father still refused.

My mum initially got a diagnosis of clinical depression which eventually turned into vascular dementia. She initially received a prescription of mirtazipine to help her with anxiety at night and to help her sleep, currently at the maximum of 45mg.

A lot of my mums problems stem from my father. He has spells of extreme verbal abuse, saying awful things to her about herself, myself and my mums family. He will also follow her all round the house and garden and either constantly goes on and on, or sometimes just sits there staring at her with a very troubling expression on his face like he wants to hurt someone.

The past 12 months my fathers behaviour and mood has worsened considerably. He has become disconnected from reality - no longer does anything like watch tv or read papers etc. all he wants to do is dig ground in the garden to plant potatoes in, which his consultant has advised him not to do on several occasions as he has heart failure and chronic kidney disease also.

This year his aggression has turned into violence. Around July I saw him raise his hand to my mum, I intervened and got between them, initially he did the same to me but did step down and was in a mood for around a week and didn’t speak to either of us.

Around August his confusion increased considerably. I spoke to the gp who suspected UTI but didn’t do any tests and just have him antibiotics. This did seem to help a little but after around a week he started behaving very strangely. I went in to his bedroom one day and he had sellotaped squares of kitchen roll all over his body. I asked him why and he replied something like “aah, you don’t know all the tricks I know”. After getting advice from a nurse friend I called an ambulance and he was admitted to hospital. The hospital told me no sign of UTI, but his kidney function was down to 16. He was released after around 3 weeks, they did amend his medication and deactivate his defibrillator. For a week after release he didn’t really know where he was. Once he did start to come round the verbal abuse and violence started again but much worse. He raised his hand to my mum 2 times that I know of, and also threatened her with a shovel in the garden, luckily I was only a few yards away and was able to get the shovel off him although he did attempt to threaten me with it too.

In the following days his confusion increased significantly. Just before his first visit to hospital this year he had lost his hearing aids. After he came out we got some new ones, which he had for around a week before breaking them.

His confusion then escalated considerably. I regularly found him in the middle of the night scraping bits of metal with a penknife or emptying other bits of scrap metal over the bed, looking at it and shaking his head, also complaining of the mess I’ve left him in. He was again giving threats of violence to my mum, but did actually kick and punch me, which really hurt.

I again spoke to the gp who yet again prescribed antibiotics for UTI. These seemed to help marginally for a few days. The gp prescribed a stronger course but half way through the course his confusion increased. He was doing things like wearing 4 watches on each arm along with the kitchen roll taped all over his body and also wearing underpants around his neck and on his head.

He also started to urinate all over the house. I bought him a commode but he refused to use it. I also noticed him urinating in cups, pouring it down the kitchen sink and leaving the cup in the washing up bowl. I think he also may have urinated into a glass in the night and then drank it the following day.

He got so confused and delirious that I called for an ambulance and he was again admitted into hospital. The hospital said there was no signs of infection and wanted to discharge him. I told them about all of the above and they referred him to social services.

I received a call from the social worker who initially just wanted to send him home. She then offered 2 carer visits twice a day. I explained the above to her and she said if my mum can’t deal with my father then it is her who should be in a care home as she has dementia. Eventually after some effort she agreed to give him a winter bed placement in a care home and have him assessed further. After around 10 days she called to say care had been arranged and he was coming home 3 days later. Literally minutes after this I received a call from a psychiatric nurse saying they had received a referral from his gp. After telling the nurse this she managed to get him an extension on the care home stay and went to see him.

The nurse did say in her opinion he doesn’t have capacity to make his own decisions, clearly has some mental illness at the very least depression but the social worker still disagreed and wanted to send him home. The nurse said he needs antidepressants asap but they couldn’t do this for around a month if he was going to be sent home. Eventually the social worker extended his stay but from what the care home have said he still hasn’t been given antidepressants.

He has however been visited by a consultant psychiatrist earlier this week. I am told by the nurse that she also doesn’t think he has capacity but has stated she has no authority to determine where he should live. She has also requested he have a brain scan asap as he may have dementia.

Today I’ve received a call from a senior social practitioner who was quite adamant he’s coming home while waiting for the scan. I implied my mum may refuse acces to which she exploded and started getting aggressive with me threatening to have the police break the door down. She said I should choose my words very carefully. Fortunately as my blood was starting to boil the battery have out on my phone.

Since then I have spoken to someone in the mental health nurses office who agreed this is appalling.

Any advice anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated. I have concerns about my own safety as well as that of both my mum and dad. I really do fear he is going to attack one of us and have told the social worker and practitioner this but it feels as though they’re totally ignoring everything I say to them.

I’ve read quite a few threads here and believe one thing I could do is to withdraw care for my father, at least officially as far as social services are concerned.

It would also be helpful to know if they can get the police to break the door down if my mum refuses access. I thought there needed to be someone at risk in the property for them to do that.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance. I think I covered everything but there’s so much.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Ib216 and welcome to Dementia Talking Point. I'm sorry that you've found yourself in such a stressful situation with your father. We all have the right to be safe in our own homes and it sounds as though your father's behaviour is such that he needs specialist care. Both you and your mother should refuse to have him home. I have no experience of this, but I know other posters have had to do this to get their loved one the care he/she needs.
I think you should contact the Support Line tomorrow on 0333 150 3456 or email and talk things through with them.

Violet Jane

Registered User
Aug 23, 2021
What's a senior social practitioner? I've never heard of that? Her behaviour was appalling and, if you have the energy, you should put in a complaint about her. Your father's behaviour is bizarre and extreme and neither you nor your mother should have to tolerate it. I would say that he needs to be assessed in a psychiatric hospital. If he doesn't have dementia then there is something else seriously wrong with him. You might need to call the police if he is violent again. That might be the only way you get the authorities to take you seriously.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
hello @Ib216
a warm welcome to DTP
I'm so glad you've joined our community so members can offer the support you so sadly seem to be lacking from some of the professionals you've encountered

the aggression and violence you describe shoild be ringing alarm bells with Social Services ... your dad clearly needs help, and more than you yourself can offer on your own ... you've been doing so much for your parents, they are blessed to have you looking out for them

if it is considered that your father lacks capacity to make the decision as to where he lives, then Social Services should call a 'best interests' meeting for his situation to be discussed and the decision made .... if you are Attorney for him, with LPAs in place, then you should be consulted
let Social Services know that the 'duty of care' to ensure the needs of a 'vulnerable adult' are met lies with the Local Authority NOT you ... both your parents are vulnerable adults ... your mother is 'at risk of harm' due to her dementia and her husband's behaviour towards her and you (goodness knows what might have happened had you not been there to protect her, and you should not be facing violence yourself) ; your father is at risk of harm due to his behaviour and he is at risk of harming his wife and you ... make is clear to SS that you believe this is a safeguarding issue and the you will hold them responsible for any harm that may come to your parents
are you able to talk with the care home manager and get their take on your father's situation ... it sounds as though the Community Psychiatric Team may have been brought in, if not ask about this

I am appalled with how you have been spoken to by that senior practitioner .... I do not believe the police would consider breaking a door down to gain entry, in fact, given the circumstances you've described, I think they'd be more likely to mahe a referral to SS themselves

I do think it will help you to chat with one of the advisors on the support line ... they have avlot of knowledge and can direct you on to more support

keep posting with whatever is on your mind ... we may not be able to solve your situation but we will provide understanding, sympathy and support


Registered User
Jun 12, 2020
Most unlikely that the police would break down the front door. This social worker sounds horrendous and you should certainly make a formal complaint. The key point here is that he is threatening violence and the fact that he has hit you shows he is not bluffing. Do ask to speak urgently to someone more senior in social services and explain the threat of violence, tell them you will hold them responsible if your mum is hurt. In the event that he did come home call police if violence is threatened or happens, that could lead to sectioning, which might lead to the help he needs.


Registered User
Feb 9, 2017
Hi @Ib216 I hope to goodness you can find a way of keeping him out of the house and get him the help he needs.. If not you need to call the police each and every time you or your mum are threatened. The police have a duty of care in these situations and sometimes the social workers listen to the police where they will not take information from you. I would report the previous incidents of assault to the police also. They are very unlikely to arrest your dad when you explain the full circumstances but this will be the start of building a case to keep you and your mum safe. If he attacks either of you again with the shovel someone could end up dead. In cases of domestic abuse you can apply for an "occupation order" and the courts will decide if he must be kept away from the house.


New member
Oct 21, 2021
Hi everyone, thank you so much for the kind words, support and advice you have all given me. It is very much appreciated.

A bit of further info, the advanced social practitioner text me last night asking for me to call her to discus my fathers and both my mothers and my future living arrangements. I’m not interpreting that too well at all.

I have called the helpline and told the advisor the above and she said she does not believe social services can remove me and my mum from a home she is a part owner of and has given me permission to live in. She has passed it on to safeguarding who will see if they can help or offer advice.

Thank you again, I will reply individually to you later on but right now need to spend some time with my mum. She’s made significant improvement over the past few weeks while my father hasn’t been in the house and dealing with social services and other people has taken a lot of my time away from her this week.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2012
good to know that you are getting more support @Ib216

don't worry about individual replies, we all understand that your priority is time with your mum


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
This advanced social practitioner sounds unbelievably strange.
The police would not break the door down
She cannot evict you or your mum as your mum owns the house too
She seems determined to get your dad back home, by hook or by crook - I wonder why?

I hope the safeguarding team can help