Travelling with Alzheimer’s


Registered User
Jan 30, 2017
Hello. I care for my 71 year old mum who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s March 2017 although she has shown more symptoms of vascular dementia than Alzheimer’s.
She relies on me for so much and I do struggle with fitting everything in as I work.
Last year I took her to Italy as she really wanted to see the Cinque Terre. It was hard work but we both had a wonderful time. Roll on one year and Mum has deteriorated quite a bit but still insists there is nothing wrong with her. She keeps asking me when are we going to Germany. She used to love organising trips to the Christmas markets in Germany and I said to her earlier in the year that I would take her but I’m not sure where to start to even find somewhere that would be ok with having someone with Alzheimer’s stay especially as she is becoming incontinent (mostly at night). Any help would be very much appreciated as I feel this would be the last holiday I could give my mum so want to make it special. X


Registered User
Oct 12, 2017
Hello. I care for my 71 year old mum who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s March 2017 although she has shown more symptoms of vascular dementia than Alzheimer’s.
She relies on me for so much and I do struggle with fitting everything in as I work.
Last year I took her to Italy as she really wanted to see the Cinque Terre. It was hard work but we both had a wonderful time. Roll on one year and Mum has deteriorated quite a bit but still insists there is nothing wrong with her. She keeps asking me when are we going to Germany. She used to love organising trips to the Christmas markets in Germany and I said to her earlier in the year that I would take her but I’m not sure where to start to even find somewhere that would be ok with having someone with Alzheimer’s stay especially as she is becoming incontinent (mostly at night). Any help would be very much appreciated as I feel this would be the last holiday I could give my mum so want to make it special. X
I wonder if you could compromise on one of the German-style Christmas markets in the UK. Would renting a short stay city apartment work?


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
Welcome to posting on the forum @Cakelady.

My experience may not be any great help but I found that contacting the transport company is useful for the journey. My local airport issues lanyards for hidden disabilities and I have found this useful for my wife as it eases travel though the airport.

I have only had to deal with one incident of incontinence while abroad and as the floor was tiled I was able to clean up quite well. The hotel apartments we were in were fine about the bed linen as they knew us and I had done a decent clean up in the communal washing machine so a change of linen was fine with them.

As you don’t have a history with wherever you are going maybe it would be a good idea to contact the continence service that may be attached to your GPs surgery as they may have good advice to give.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I'm just wondering, are you sure your mother would actually cope with the travel and with being in an unfamiliar place? She may be keen to go but I wonder how well it would work out. As another poster said, how about taking her to a German Christmas market in this country? But you know her best and if you do take her abroad I hope you both have a wonderful time.


Registered User
Sep 6, 2017
My dad often talks about planning for a cruise. It is not going to happen but I go along with him because he is happy to talk about when we do go (next year of course)

He could not possibly go away but he enjoys talking about it.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
One of the biggest German markets in Europe is held in Manchester, it's huge and runs from early November to Christmas, I understand Glasgow has a very good one too.
At the Manchester one you really could believe you were in Germany, (other than the local accent) but most of the stalls are German, the people and the goods they sell and other European countries too.
You don't have to go to Germany to go to a German market.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2018
I took my mother to Italy this Summer and it was a disaster from the start, the journey there was difficult but assistance at Pisa Airport was brilliant, she was probably very confused though with the new surroundings and fell over the 1st night in the bathroom, I never heard her get up or go in, only when she fell. Luckily she only suffered a few bruises and shock, but she went downhill from then on. Journey back was a nightmare at Stansted Airport, there was no lift available to get the disabled passengers off the plane and mum refused blank to leave the plane, she pulled herself to the floor on the top of the stairs and would not get up then was manhandled off screaming and crying. Then there was a minibus she had to get into to take her into the terminal but I asked if I could just push here in her wheelchair and thankfully they agreed, a complete nightmare. Then to Finnish of a very long day, when we got home she refused to get out of the taxi, luckily the taxi driver is a friend, but once again it was quite a struggle for us to get her indoors. He said to me that he has never seen me look so awful.

You know she has not been right since then and not been out of the house, she was refusing food, drink, medication, and fell over three times in the 1st week back, and has only just started to come back, ever so slightly, to the land of the living since last weekend having been on anti depressants now for about 3 weeks.

I should just add that last years holiday had really perked her up in spite of poor assistance at Heathrow and I was hoping for a similar effect this year, so I think it all depends on what stage they are at with the dementia. I wish I had not taken her away now, unfortunately she won't be going very far from now on.
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New member
Jun 8, 2023
Hello all, we have just returned from a week's cruise to the fjords. We had a lovely time, staff were lovely and very helpful.....we did not have to queue to embark or disembark etc. Only drawback was one 'friend' we were travelling with making rude remarks across the table if Tony repeated a question or forgot what he had ordered etc. Was totally shocked and offended but lesson more holidays with her.
The rest of the experience has given me the confidence to book another for his birthday in Christmas markets of Northern Europe.....not sure we will actually go to them, a stroll around each port will probably be fine.
Tony is 66 and diagnosed last year. Determined to fit in as many special times away as we can.
Our annual insurance expires in January and have what I think is a reasonable quote from All clear which gives full cover (including dementia related illnesses)
Hard I know to stay positive but I'm trying! Tony is happy which is a bonus I pray continues.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @lynneden I am so pleased that your holiday went well apart from the unfortunate remarks made by the 'friend'. It is good that you are planning to make as many memories as you can.
You will probably not hear from any of the original posters on this thread as it is quite old, back from 2018. You might want to start a new thread of your own to share your experiences.


Registered User
Apr 26, 2023
Hello. I care for my 71 year old mum who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s March 2017 although she has shown more symptoms of vascular dementia than Alzheimer’s.
She relies on me for so much and I do struggle with fitting everything in as I work.
Last year I took her to Italy as she really wanted to see the Cinque Terre. It was hard work but we both had a wonderful time. Roll on one year and Mum has deteriorated quite a bit but still insists there is nothing wrong with her. She keeps asking me when are we going to Germany. She used to love organising trips to the Christmas markets in Germany and I said to her earlier in the year that I would take her but I’m not sure where to start to even find somewhere that would be ok with having someone with Alzheimer’s stay especially as she is becoming incontinent (mostly at night). Any help would be very much appreciated as I feel this would be the last holiday I could give my mum so want to make it special. X
Could you cheat and visit somewhere with a good continental market like Manchester? It all depends on how much mum remembers and takes in.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Could you cheat and visit somewhere with a good continental market like Manchester? It all depends on how much mum remembers and takes in.
You are responding to an old thread.
Cakelady last logged on in Oct 2018, you are unlikely to get a response