toilet problems


New member
Jul 22, 2021
I wonder if anyone has any tips that may be helpful to my father? My mum has dementia and had a stroke some years ago so has mobility issues. She has developed an obsession with going to the toilet and can want to go every 5 minutes, which means my Dad has to out her in her wheelchair and push her to and from the loo. If he tries to explain that she has only just come back from the loo she can get very aggressive. He has tried marking down how many times she goes to show her but unfortunately she will not reason. It is physically and mentally draining for him as her primary carer at 86 years old. We fear for his wellbeing.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @rosamunde

I remember my grandma being like this and I assumed it was to do with anxiety. She too had to be taken to the loo and, of course, she didn't go when we got there.

Is it possible that your mum has a UTI?


Registered User
Hi @rosamunde,

I also remember having to experience this with my mum. It did not matter how many times I tried to explain she was not able to comprehend this, and so I learnt not to waste my time in seeking to "reason" with mum.

I see you have received good advice regarding the need to just check whether your mum has a UTI.

Also, there is another helpful document on communication which your family may find helpful : http://ocagingservicescollaborative...te-Communication-with-the-Memory-Impaired.pdf.
Hope this helps