Today seems long and hard


Registered User
Feb 17, 2012
Dad's anxiety has definitely not been good today. From the minute he has got out of bed he has been convinced that we have no money and there is no food in the house. No amount of showing him otherwise is making any difference. Right up until lunch was actually put in front of him he was convinced that there was none, then in the middle of lunch he started demanding to know how he was going to eat lunch tomorrow, when there is no food in the house and he has no money...
It makes no difference that the cupboards are stocked, nor that carers come to make his lunch when I am not here, or that he has not needed to buy anything for himself for more than a year.
I am not coping very well. It his obsession about money in another form and I can't do anything to calm him. The idea that I abandon him when I go off to work hurts, even if that isn't precisely what he's saying. I know if this continues tomorrow he is going to be wandering the streets again looking for help, and I can't prevent that.
I had thought perhaps he was finally getting over this, as things have been a little quieter lately, but I guess I was wrong.
This is so tiring.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Tiring? It's exhausting!! My DH is obsessed with the time of day and the day of the week. Every day we go through this charade numerous times, zillions of times, over and over and over again.

Then just when I think he's accepted that it's Thursday and 4 pm, or whatever, it starts all over again. And I want to bash my head against something hard and unyielding. And I want to scream at him "For God's sake! I've told you enough times! Why can't you listen?", and sometimes I do. :(

But sadly, it doesn't matter how carefully he listens, he forgets, and nothing on God's earth will help him remember. :( But we are not saints, we're only human, and it is so tiring. Take care, and perhaps tomorrow will be better. :)


Registered User
May 21, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Oh my, who would have thought that a day could be identical on opposite sides of the world? My day has also been exhausting, an emotional roller coaster and I'm not quite sure if I can face tomorrow.

I'm so sorry you are having these problems, and Scarlett too. I do hope we all have a better day tomorrow because I'm not sure I can actually survive another like today.

Take some moments for yourselves, you deserve it.

Stephanie, xxx

Rosie Webros

Registered User
May 8, 2013
I will keep everything crossed and hope so much that you all have better days tomorrow! Take care Rosie xx