The TP. changes


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
The changes to TP. have made me take a look at something which I realise I have come to take for granted. The older one gets the more, in general, one becomes resistant to change. There’s an old Spanish proverb loosely translated “Let there be no new thing”, new things generally being bad news. So I approach the changes reluctantly. Given time I’m sure we’ll all accept them and forget they were ever different.
But really, we are very spoilt on this forum. Everything is done for us, for free.
If a passer-by were to look in on TP. not knowing what it was, and a stranger to AD. he would get quite a shock. Here is an explicit thread on how to deal with incontinence alongside another one on how best to clean the refrigerator. Somebody calling her/himself ‘artyfarty’ is concerned about overfeeding a cat.
However, if our passer-by perseveres he will quickly come to understand that the ‘meat and potatoes’ of this forum is how to care for and live with dementia in all it’s bewildering forms. What he will never be able to see and understand, unless he or a close relative develops AD., is the how TP. provides a literal lifeline for many of it’s users. I certainly include myself in their number
I believe we all owe a debt of gratitude to those who freely give up their time to maintain this forum. It may not be perfect, few things are.
Now I have to work out where I post this!


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
The changes to TP.
I believe we all owe a debt of gratitude to those who freely give up their time to maintain this forum. It may not be perfect, few things are.
Now I have to work out where I post this!
I agree entirely and had a laugh at the last bit Gringo

When people do all this for us we should be grateful and not complain,

Best wishes Jeany xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank you gringo.

It`s all about compromise and , in such a diverse community, learning to live together.


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I love your post Gringo, made me laugh.
I really don't see why the reply button has been changed to where the top button was. I doubt I'll ever stop muddling them up! The rest, well in time Iwill I guess!


Registered User
May 10, 2010
However, if our passer-by perseveres he will quickly come to understand that the ‘meat and potatoes’ of this forum is how to care for and live with dementia in all it’s bewildering forms.

What he will never be able to see and understand, unless he or a close relative develops AD., is the how TP. provides a literal lifeline for many of it’s users. I certainly include myself in their number

I believe we all owe a debt of gratitude to those who freely give up their time to maintain this forum. It may not be perfect, few things are.
Now I have to work out where I post this!

I also had a laugh at your last line! :) But we will get there in the end...

All very well said, Gringo.

Loo xxx


Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Well it's been a couple of days now since the changes. I'm having problems understanding the new set-up.
As I am looking after my wife, this is the section I should post in, but the number of people on here never seems to exceed 5, so who am I communicating with? On the question of numbers, there appears to be a discrepancy between the overall numbers on line and the total numbers of those viewing each section.
What's the difference between "Most recent' and 'Today's posts'
I think I'm too old for all this, maybe there should be a separate section for those too old to cope with change.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Gringo I think 'most recent' posts are personal to you - the most recent ones since you last logged in. 'Today's posts' are all of the posts which have been made today.

Bet that doesn't make sense!


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Sue explains it better in the 'what happened to the old posts' thread:

'If you click on Today's Posts it will give a list of all threads that have been posted to in the last 24 hours.

Most Recent Posts (previously New Posts) will give a list of all threads that have been posted to since you last logged in. So, for example, if you log out and log back in 30 minutes later your list of Most Recent Posts will be pretty short, as it will only show threads updated in the last 30 minutes. Someone else, who hasn't logged in for a couple of days, may be logging in at the same time and if they click on Most Recent Posts they will have a list of a few pages. This hasn't changed, it's just the name that has changed from New Posts to Most Recent Posts.'

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Good morning gringo

I read your post not because I went to I have a partner with dementia but because I went Most Recent Posts

Most recent posts shows all posts since I was last on line. This would be my first port of call as was New posts previously.

Today`s posts show posts from the last 24 hours.

Only if I wanted to post a new Thread about my life as a carer would I post in I have a partner with dementia

Before the change;

If I wanted to post about my life as a carer, I went to Support for people with dementia and their carers . Otherwise I chose any any appropriate Fporum

If I wanted to read, I went to New Posts.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hello Gringo,

I dislike change these days as it makes me feel insecure.

With regard to the TP changes, I just carry on as I did before. I click on Most Recent Posts and read and reply as I normally would. I haven't given the changes another thought. I never look to see what section is being posted in.

It is wonderful that TP exists and is maintained by many volunteers who are dedicated to keeping this forum safe and running as well as possible. However, the heart of TP has to be the members. I think it is the members that make this forum special.



Registered User
Feb 1, 2012
Good morning Izzy, and Grannie G,
Thank-you for helping me out. All clear now. Because I don’t log off, the two choices always looked the same. Just on that point, is not logging off a 'no-no' ? As Marsaday says, on another thread, that’s where the discrepancy in numbers comes from, so there must be quite a few of us doing the same.


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
I don't log off either and as I come here on two devices I must be counted twice lol

Depending on how long its been since I have last been on TP, I either use most recent posts or todays posts

I do like do some of the changes but others I find a bit annoying