The right thing...


Registered User
May 26, 2023
My brother and I have put her house on the market as it has become too big for her with the view that she moves in with me, my husband and two offspring, both will be at university next year. She will have her own room, ensuite and space, but family around her. Mum has said numerous times that the house is too big and too much for her.

My Mum is 86, has carers coming into her house, but can be hostile towards them and is very much an isolationist. The carers call in to make sure that she has taken her medication and is ok.

At present I usually spend Friday night and Saturday at her house, to top up her medication, make sure she has eaten and give her a shower. My son is about alot and supports her too due to the location of his school.

We feel this is the right thing to do at this point to have people around her she feels comfortable for social interaction in the morning and evening, family meals etc. Mum willingly accepts my help and support.

We will be getting carers in an hour or two per day for Mum whilst I am at work, thinking thatvwe could use the guise that they are there to help me around the house.

Mum has enough savings for a couple of years in a care home should the time come as and when she needs more assistance or becomes too much for me to handle when she enters the later stages of alzhimers.

Mum also has a couple of medical health issues, heart failure and chronic kidney disease, which means she has additional appointments, that I take her to.

I have had a few people say that it is not a good idea, she will not take well to a change in surroundings etc. But I feel, knowing my mum that it will be good for mum and also lower my anxiety, stress and worry about her when she is home alone, taking her medication, eating and washing.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Scatt76

There doesn`t seem a problem here as long as you make sure the money from the sale of your mother`s house goes into an account in her name.

I hope all goes well.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I hope all goes well with the move @Scatt76

The move probably will unsettle her, but she should settle down after a couple of weeks. You may discover behaviours that you didnt know about, though. My mum came to stay with me to see whether I could look after her in my home and I discovered that she was up all night!

As grannie g says, make sure you put the money from the sale of her house into an account in her sole name. Also, do not be tempted to use some of it to build an extension or annex as this may well be considered as deprivation of assets


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
You will need proper tax advice regarding the sale proceeds, and investment advice to make the most of this capital.



Registered User
Oct 30, 2020
Welcome @Scatt76

There doesn`t seem a problem here as long as you make sure the money from the sale of your mother`s house goes into an account in her name.

I hope all goes well.
While you can't siphon off all of the proceeds of the house sale you can charge for heating, food and other expenses which might add up to a lot.. You should ensure you're not out of pocket eg for having heating on all day when house would have been empty.


Registered User
May 26, 2023
Thank you for all the advice, it is much appreciated. Caring for loved ones as they age is not as easy and straight forward as it should be.