The latest re in-house respite


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
The SW arrived with an assessor. We were able to sit outside for our meeting which made it very pleasant. The SW showed the assessor some of the photographs whilst I made coffee and she was amazed.

With regard to the in-house respite the SW has been very busy in investigating the possibilities and available services. She has discovered it will not to their panel on Thursday but that the Crossroads 24 hr Carers Break Respite Scheme have their own panel. This requires that the SW needs to do a Carers Assessment which we will get done this week. The SW mentioned what was already written about in-house respite for Alan and I asked to see it. I knew that I could explain it much better in my own words because it would be more factual and clearer. I asked if she would like to hear what my thoughts about it were and she did so I told them factually and clearly. I noticed that the assessor was smiling and nodding. The SW then said “I think it would be better if you were able to get just what you've said down in writing and we will use that if you don't mind”. She said she didn't want to put any pressure on me though. I said it would be no problem and that I could do it easily – which I can.

I talked about the mis-communication and asked that I would prefer clear, honest communication even if it meant bad news or it meant waiting. I made it clear that I was very happy about how the past communication problem had been quickly resolved.

I also mentioned TP a lot and that it was clear that the system was not fair. I encouraged this SW to log into TP but forgot to give her a leaflet which I will do next time. She is a carer herself. She re-iterated that by law carers are entitled to a 'life' and the assessor did not disagree. I did ask why carers weren't getting adequate care then if it was law. I told them both that people on TP had rejoiced at the care package offered to me and that they felt that they were doing something right rather than it being a mistake. They agreed that it was right. Again I encouraged the SW to 'take up the wider cause'. I will do my utmost to encourage her to become available on TP.

To cut a long story short, I don't know when or if I will get the w/e in-house respite but I am assured that everyone will give it a good go and that I have been able to state a really strong case as to why it needs to be in-house.



Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello Helen...

Well done again....:)

It's wonderful that they'll accept your application as you've written it..rather than having them question and write down your answers..what a brilliant idea...:cool:

Can I ask.. who did the assessor represent?

Love xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you Gigi and Prague

Gigi the assessor was there to assess that the SW (trainee) as part of her studies. That she was providing a full and professional service.


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
Dear Helen,

Have just this minute got back from a 'Carer's Charter' launch by my local Mental Health Hospital. I've been involved for over a year in designing a leaflet for carers which a designated' Carer Champion' (a nurse already working on the ward who would volunteer to be this) would hand out to the main carer on admission to a mental health ward. I've been fighting all this time to get the elderly mental health wards included in this scheme and today learned that the leaflet, but not the 'Carer's Champion nurse, is due to start at the end of this month on the acute wards first, and then the scheme will roll out over all the hospitals in the Trust. I will of course continue to fight for the Carer Champion nurse scheme to be brought onto the elderly mental health wards.

One of the speakers at the conference was talking about direct payments and as part of this package that there was also a 'one off' payments which could be made of up to £75. This could be given to the carer as long as a carer's assessment had been made and a clearly identified need had been established. She also went on to say that respite beds were not the only way for carers to have a break and that more creative thinking was now being put into place for other ways of respite to be given. She cited such things as an assistant being paid to go on a week's holiday with the main carer and the sufferer. I wanted to ask about your particular situation but the programme was running over time and I wasn't given the chance.

I think that the political climate at the moment is well in your favour to get a respite sitter coming into your home! These sort of 'new' thinking ideas seem to be well in line with what you are asking for.

It also sounds as though the assessor and the social worker are very much in favour of your request. All the signs seem to be that you will be successful. Please let us know what happens next.

You are our poineer in these new ways of thinking about respite care for all of us here on TP.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Well done Helen. :)
It is heartening to hear you had two people visit you who knew what they were talking about and also knew what you were talking about.
It`s also excellent that you have the presence of mind to be able to state your case.
Keep up the good work Helen. :)
Love xx


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Dear Helen,

What excellent news and how nice to feel listened to. Actually to be able to put it down in your own words too; the SW and assessor must have realised you were sufficiently articulate to make your own case. That's very encouraging.

Well done on the sales talk too :D It would be nice to have a SW on board the good ship TP, as long as she didn't take offence at some of the comments we make about them ;)

Vonny xxx


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
This is such great news. I hope one day we look back on this thread knowing 'good respite' support started here!

Your team seem so well co-ordinated, Helen, they are a super example for support workers in other areas.

Well done.

Love Jan