The Companionship Project: tell us what you think


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Alzheimer’s Society wants to understand people’s experiences of social isolation and loneliness and explore what services might be needed to support those who are living with dementia, their carers and supporters.

To provide a sustainable service and reach all those who need support, the Companionship Project team are looking at services that are delivered remotely (i.e. not face to face). Examples of remote service include phone calls, video calls, social media channels, and forums like this one.

The team wants to hear a diverse range of views and would like to get feedback on this topic from all of you.

There are two ways they can do this:
  1. Sending out a survey with questions about your experiences of isolation and loneliness and of accessing companionship type services.
  2. Running some online meetings to discuss the topic as a group. The exact days and times would be confirmed separately by email to those who are interested.
Please complete this short survey (we promise it's short!) to let us know if you are happy to share your experiences and how you'd prefer to do this.