That time of life

jill edwards

Registered User
Well I'm back at work after sorting out dads things although I phoned the insurance company on Thursday to be told they had lost dads documents. It took me till Friday afternoon and a lot of phoning to get them to call me back and say they had found dead them and did ibwant to complain. I don't see the point its just the principle if you don't pay your premium they soon won't pay out or are on your back but when it comes time to pay up for people who haveaid in for many years then I think it's a cheek. So I dealt with that on Friday and found out its my aunts funeral on the 4th of April and my friend ( who was younger than me) on the 5th. I'm 55 just coming up 56 is it just that time of life when people are just leaving? It certainly makes you look at life differently. I have passed on The societies number to my cousin who does not have a computer as she has been looking after my aunt withDLB but is still looking after my uncle who has cancer and she doesn't think he will get to my aunts funeral!!!! How cruel can life be sometimes. One day at a time.......


Registered User
Hello Jill,

You do seem to be experiencing a lot of people leaving this world at similar times. I do think we have reached an age when this becomes more likely;) I have often wondered how people cope who experience multiple loss (tsunami, earthquake, fire, flood, famine and war):eek::eek: I sincerely hope that you will have a good time to recover from all this loss.

I don't know about you but I experience loss much more deeply now at my age:eek:

Sending love and wishing you oodles of strength to get through all that you need to.

jill edwards

Registered User
Thanks Helen

If it wasn't for TP I don't think I could get through. Stupidly this morning before going to school there was both Matt Munroe and Perry Como both of which were played at dads funeral silly how things get to you eh so it was a tough start to the day!!!! Still hanging in thanks to friends I really do only have you guys to keep me going.

Bumble B

Registered User
I remember taking my daughter to the Natural History Museum when she was small. As we sat having tea in the cafe she observed several older people sitting on their own,and said to me," Oh Mummy,it's so sad,all their friends have died ! "

I'm 64 and I think I've started on that path myself. It's hard when deaths seem to come in a rush,close together,but I suppose that's life. Sad as it's been to lose Mum and Dad,both eighty-eight,I can only be glad for their long lives.Hearing of the deaths of young people,in particular the tragically young age of many servicemen and women,is heart-breaking.

Wishing you peace of mind and the comfort of happy memories.


Registered User
Hello Jill, I am sorry for your loss. I have to admit that at our time of life I think we do look at life differently. I hope things pick up for you soon.

Very best wishes to you x

jill edwards

Registered User
I agree

One of my ex pupils is serving in Afghanistan and he still enjoying mails me from time to time. He hopes to see me next time he is home. My aunts grandson has recently been murdered stabbed at the age of 23 his funeral was three days after dads. One of the things that helps me cope is that dad had a good and pretty, Ong life which was good use til a few months before he died. My friend had ms and suffered a great deal in the last two and a half years. I am treasuring my memories of. Mom and dad and I am greatful to have had them around for so long. .you aunts grandson leaves three little girls very sad.


Registered User
Hi Jill,

I'm thinking of you with all that you have had to cope with. Life can be so very cruel at times!!

Take care xx


Registered User
Hello Jill,

I am really sorry to hear that you have had so much to cope with. Losing elderly parents is hard enough, but losing young people is something else, and when it is through these circumstances it must be multipled many times.

I do agree with you that knowing parents have had a good, long, life helps a lot. It's important to try to look for the good things in all of this.

Its great that one of your pupils still emails you. That must be so rewarding.
