Thailand Care Resorts


New member
Jan 31, 2024
Hi, We are considering moving to a Care Resort In Thailand and would appreciate the experiences of other who have made the move. Although I am 77 and have Parkinson's, I am the sole carer for my 80 year old husband who has Alzheimer's. Trying to get any support here is near impossible and the Care homes which I have look around are smelly, far from good and start at £2,000 per week per person. Here 24 hour care - 1 carer to 6 patients - start at £2,500 per week. I have been waiting for 10 weeks for financial assessment. Last year my husband had Pneumonia and was twice blue lighted to A&E, where in 24 hours they gave him one small cup of tea, none of his medications including the antibiotics which had been prescribed by the same department 36 hour earlier; no urine bottles or toileting facilities were available and they wanted to keep him in on a trolley in the corridor for at least another 3 days before they could carry out an assessment. I had him sent home where with a little help from our surgery I have been left to cope. A member of the Frailty team did visit but her only interest was trying to Bully both of us into signing DNR orders (official complaint made). Hence looking at Thailand. Although we have never been to Thailand we have travelled worldwide all our lives. The nearest family who care about us live 12 hours away, although my husbands granddaughter lives in Macau.
My idea is to visit Thailand for 3 - 4 weeks, staying in one of the Care resorts, in the Chiang Mai area but visiting some of the others, if my husband likes it, leave him there, return to the UK , sell our house and tidy up the paper work, before returning permanently to Thailand. Questions - Approximately what is the cost of Medical Insurance? How has the person with Alzheimer's coped with the flight time? Is it possible to hire a paid carer to accompany on the journey? Is there very much paperwork to be completed to live in Thailand? Are there any UK travel companies who organise visiting trips to the Care resorts?


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @shl and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I have no experience of care resorts in Thailand but am attaching a thread in which a member discussed moving a family member to Thailand. You may find this useful. I do wonder, however, if it would be a good idea to leave a person with dementia in Thailand on their own especially as you would not have any idea of how long it would take to sell your house and complete the rest of the paper work.



Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @shi and welcome to Dementia Support Forum. I don't know anything about Thailand or the Care Resorts that you mention so can't speak from direct experience. Having read your post a few times, though, I think that what you are proposing is hugely ambitious and has many opportunities for something to go wrong. Moving somewhere that you have never been would be a risk if you were both in the best of health but you aren't. Would your husband get on the plane? Is 3-4 weeks long enough to find out everything you need? What are the healthcare facilities? Would he be happy and safe being left alone with advancing dementia for however long it takes for you to tidy up the UK end? Do you have a plan to return home if it all goes wrong?

These and many more questions - including the ones that you have raised - need going into in great depth. I don't want to appear unduly negative but am afraid that the dream you are chasing is an illusion that could become a nightmare that you can't escape.

Which I am sure is not what you want to hear.
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Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
There was a thread on Thailand some time ago.