Taking paracetamol


Registered User
Oct 19, 2020
Has anyone got tips on getting my Mum to take some painkillers? She has never liked taking tablets but she is complaining about her skin cancer hurting her. We are unable to understand her and she doesn’t understand us anymore so we can’t explain what they are for. She won’t drink anything that isn’t tea with 5 sugars. I don’t want her to be in unnecessary pain but I really can’t think of a solution.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Sphynx sorry to hear about your mum, it might be helpful to have a chat with her GP about the various pain relief options available. They may be able to prescribe tablets that can be crushed and put in food, or paracetamol is also available in a syrup in various flavours, which can be given via spoon rather than as a 'drink'. Depending on your mum's level of pain the GP might also consider prescribing a low dose pain patch. Hopefully that they will be able to provide something suitable to help your mum.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2020
Thank you. I went to see her today and the GP had prescribed pills rather than liquid as we requested. Pain meds should be a very easy thing to get right. It makes me so cross. I really hope they get it sorted soon.