Support/Advice please


New member
Jun 7, 2024
Good morning my name is lee I’m hoping to find support and advice here please
My dad sadly had lewey bodies dementia he passed 12 years ago
Mum and I cared for him bless him
Now I’m an unpaid carer for mum I’ve become concerned about her more and more recently
She has been assessed for delirium when she was admitted to hospital before
Also suffers with low sodium symptoms she has been very stressed and unsettled recently she has had issues with care and illness
I’ve seen her get so distressed and tearful I made her dr aware they are monitoring her but now she shouts out at night /early hours then she giggles one minute she’s happy next very down her sleep is erratic has started saying things like I might as well just die I’ve had enough it’s been hard keeping her positive and upbeat she’s gone off her food will have a complan instead on occasion she will eat her dinner but it’s kind of pot luck to see how she feels each time
She has headaches as well I’m wondering if it’s sodium levels again
If anyone has any insight or advice I hope you would be able to reply to me
Many Thanks

Lee 21

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Lee21

Your mum sounds sad and unhappy. If the cause is medical, it should be able to be treated by her GP and it`s good she is being monitored.

If it`s emotional, that`s a very different state.

t would help if the GP would be able to identify what is medical and what is emotional if that is the case but it`s probably quite difficult to know where to draw the line.

This must be stressful for you . Can you pinpoint when this started and if there was a trigger?


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Lee21 and welcome from me also to this friendly and supportive forum.

I'm sorry to read about your Mum and her various health issues. Both her health and medical issues do sound quite complicated. It is good that she is being monitored, and I too would suggest you keep the GP updated with how she is. This is clearly a worry for you, and it is wonderful that your Mum has you for support and care.


New member
Jun 24, 2024
Sounds very similar to mum. She had infection and low sodium although GP didn’t initially spot either. Hospital gave stronger antibiotics than GP but I would try to avoid hospital if you can as not a great place with Delerium.