sunuping ( is that a word)


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
For the last couple of months my piglet more and more frequently does not recognise me as her husband, ( more of a friend helper and someone she trusts), in the afternoon's. Today, as usual i got up first, when she got up at about 0800/30 she asked me who let me in. So now the sundowning (if thats what it was ) is also happening in the morning. ( hence the new word) She then , a little later, ask where everyone else had gone and had they gone to work. There is no one else living here. just us chickhens. We then went shopping and on coming back in doors she said " I'm glad we have come back her it nice and nothing has changed" Yes as you all know they do come out with some weird stuff which at first is very had to take, but you get used to it. Thing is how do you exspain all this nonsense and weirdness to a stranger ( "professional" from the council) who isn't lving with it and probably thinks you're making it up to get help.

I have no idea, just get on with life as best you can I suppose.


Registered User
Mar 9, 2024
Thing is how do you exspain all this nonsense and weirdness to a stranger ( "professional" from the council) who isn't lving with it and probably thinks you're making it up to get help.

My approach has been to quickly explain things before the "professional" gets through the door and sit or stand in such a way that they can give full attention to the PWD but can see you so you can catch their eye and either shake or not your head when PWD is in hosting mode and telling the person their truth.

the doorstep conversation goes somewhere along the lines of
Hello, before you come in I must explain that PWD is very proud, and has a XYZ diagnosis that she will not want you to know about so she will endeavour to hide it and will appear normal. Her short term memory is impaired so she will repeat herself.

And sadly yes we just have to get on with life the best we can living in two different realities that occasionally mesh.