Sunday morning moan


Registered User
Well ,I haven't updated you on recent events as things have been so busy I only get a chance to keep up with reading TP in my lunchbreak at work.

My MIL has been in hospital for six weeks after falling three times at the assessment unit in three days which culminated in a broken hip and a bashed up face. They eventually repaired the hip and things have been dire ever since. The terrible dementia symptoms (constant 'picking', delusions and hallucinations)subsided due to the high doses of painkillers but the will to eat and drink completely left her. Subsequently there has been a slow emaciation and a huge loss of all her remining verbal and communication skills. Three large bleeds this week as her body shuts down have left her on her deathbed. It is so hard for us to have to see her in this pitiful state and for my father-in-law to have to wait for her to die. We are taking turns sitting through the night and FIL collapsed yesterday at the hospital with exhaustion. We put him to bed and my husband is staying over to look after him. Today he has what we suspect may be swine flu. God what next, and when MIL passes away then he is unable to go to see her. It seems fairly mild so we are hoping that he will be feeling better in a few days. (My husband has already had it and was ok within a week, or are we lumping every 'bug' in with the 'swine flu' label. Anyway, the hospital would not appreciate him turning up with whatever it is so he stays at home.

I am knackered keeping two homes going, working, hospital visiting and driving the 50 mile round trip. And I miss my husband who has hardly been home this week. I'm sorry to have a moan, I know that I am not the only one but it feels good to get it off my chest. It is so hard to see the emotions on others faces, the quiet weeping and the grieving process. MIL is there but not there and it is horrible to see her in such a dreadful state. She cries silent tears when she is not sleeping. Not sure how much longer this is going to go on, they told us she wouldn't last the night three days ago.
On a slightly more positive note, there is a truce of sorts with the ghastly sister-in-law. Funny how she suddenly found the time to drop everything from her 'busy life'. Do I sound bitter - quite right I am. It was rather funny about two weeks back when we were discussing MIL coming home with a full care package and a night nurse. MIL was desperate to die at home and not in a hospital and when told that her daughter would not allow it and she was going into a nursing home despite FIL and MIL's wishes she said one word, 'bitch'. It was so funny; this little old lady who never certainly lightened our mood at the time. All seems rather stupid now of course.

Ah well, thank you for letting me ramble on, I appreciate it.
I hope that you have a good day today, snuggle in from the rain and have a nice Sunday dinner. I am off to get the shopping for ours tonight over at FIL's. Pork Chops I think...

Thanks again


Registered User
So sorry to hear how difficult life is at the moment. I can only wish you well and hope that MIL will soon be at rest. It is so sad to have to watch our loved ones just fade away and the strain on you all awful. Thinking of you all Iris


Registered User
Sorry life is so awful for you just now. I hope there is a conclusion before too long. Sounds dreadful, but I don't believe the process of dying should be prolonged where there is no quality of life left.

It's going to be hard for your FIL not to be able to visit, and for you to keep him calm. I hope you don't get swine flu yourself, that would be the last straw!

All the best,


Registered User
Poor you. Hope the outpouring helped. Sounds like you still have a pretty rought few weeks ahead of you. Take care.