Suitable placement for aggressive person with Alzheimer's


Registered User
Mar 23, 2023
My sister was moved to another nursing home closer to family a few weeks ago , but has declined quite a lot .
Her behaviour is quite aggressive and very agitated ,
They have started her on 2 medications and have said they will see how she goes with it and if it doesn't make any difference she will have to go to a different place where they can deal with her issues.
She has escaped 7 times and has put the carer's in danger after trying to get her back as it is a very busy road a few yards from the care home.
They are really lovely caring people and have gone out of the way to cater for her, but she is obsessed with going home, and we can't get her off the subject , so we give her a few minutes to see if she stops, if not we say bye to her and leave, this may sound a bit harsh but if we cant change the subject it will nearly always escalate .
They have 2 mental health people involved and are doing all they can.
Has anyone in the forum ever had this happen where the home can't deal with the behaviour and their loved one has to be moved on.
They are so concerned as it isn't a secure unit and they are worried about her safety ,


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Who chose the placement that she is in now?
A move can be unsettling but an open door near a busy road really doesnt sound suitable


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I agree with Jessbow - it sounds like a more secure home would now be better. That’s not to say it would be some kind of impersonal medical facility. My Granny’s home had electronic locks on all external doors, which could only be opened by a member of staff. That was on a main road as well, and if residents could have let themselves out there would have been a major problem. Other than the locked doors, it was a normal comfy care home,


New member
Jun 20, 2023
North Ayrshire
hi ,my mother was OK at home ,but my dad of cancer January 2023 .After being mums MAIN carer at 77 yrs old.
She was moved to a home ,she did try to escape, I think most patients do There was key pad entry and exsit codes on all doors .Different surroundings, noise ,all these strange people / faces .It's so hard .The home had an upstairs secure unit ,so then it's hard to access the garden, so for 8 months ,aggression, got worse ,she hated it ,roaming corridors back and forth ,looking for a way out ! not much for them to do ,mum doesn't play dominoes or cards ..but EVERY RESIDENT LOVED ,when a musical event or music played ,they were All happy .up dancing! and this keeps them moving ! if there was nothing on she slept !! ..she has never really settled, but she has vascular and front local dementia.Im sorry this is not much help, but secure unit would definitely help ,I feel if the home is good they should fit the key codes to front door ! As it is very hard to get a nice home ,with good staff ,the staff know your mum ,and they are trained, to try and distract this constant wanting to go home ,how long has your mum been in the home ,if they can't afford the key pad to secure door..maybe do a fund raiser with their help ..but really they should have it anyway for ALL patients being near a main road or any patient just wandering out ,hope this helps .Is so hard ,hurtful ,heartbreaking..take care and good luck ,gillian


New member
Jun 20, 2023
North Ayrshire
My sister was moved to another nursing home closer to family a few weeks ago , but has declined quite a lot .
Her behaviour is quite aggressive and very agitated ,
They have started her on 2 medications and have said they will see how she goes with it and if it doesn't make any difference she will have to go to a different place where they can deal with her issues.
She has escaped 7 times and has put the carer's in danger after trying to get her back as it is a very busy road a few yards from the care home.
They are really lovely caring people and have gone out of the way to cater for her, but she is obsessed with going home, and we can't get her off the subject , so we give her a few minutes to see if she stops, if not we say bye to her and leave, this may sound a bit harsh but if we cant change the subject it will nearly always escalate .
They have 2 mental health people involved and are doing all they can.
Has anyone in the forum ever had this happen where the home can't deal with the behaviour and their loved one has to be moved on.
They are so concerned as it isn't a secure unit and they are worried about her safety ,

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