Suddenly sleeping more than awake


Registered User
Apr 9, 2023
So my Dad was diagnosed with MD, Alzheimer’s and VD last year, they asked if I wanted to know where on scale he was but I said not as didn’t want it to define a timeline of sorts. He has been mobile until of late and has recently lost confidence walking with a stick, we now have a walker frame, his enthusiasm for going out has disappeared and he just wants to watch telly and rest all day. I’ve noticed that he is sleeping all night and at least 50% of the day. He is 81, I spend each day with him. I’m wondering if this is due to the meds, he has been on Memantine, Risperidone and Mirtazapine for 5 to 6 months or whether this is progression….any advice gratefully received - I have made an appointment with doc next week for a review but could only get in with a trainee who I have been assured is fully competent. My Dad still has mental capacity and is fully aware that he has dementia. I have ordered some indoor games to try and raise some stimulation

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
My husband slept a lot during the day and night @Redhed36 and I just thought his body and mind were resting,

By all means, try to find ways to stimulate your dad. I got sorting games and puzzles and they did help but only for a very short period before he tired.

My husband took Mirtazapine.


Registered User
Apr 9, 2023
My husband slept a lot during the day and night @Redhed36 and I just thought his body and mind were resting,

By all means, try to find ways to stimulate your dad. I got sorting games and puzzles and they did help but only for a very short period before he tired.

My husband took Mirtazapine.
Thank you Sylvia, he is 81 so perhaps it is due to ageing also and as you say resting body and mind


New member
Apr 28, 2023
Thank you Sylvia, he is 81 so perhaps it is due to ageing also and as you say resting body and mind
Hi my husband is 83 and on mirtazapine,he has been on donepezil for a month and is now sleeping more during the day since then.i can t make him interested in anything. Can t wake him when he is in this sleeping state perhaps it’s normal with taking these drugs .I think the brain cannot cope with a lot is stulation.although memory doctors say ‘ keep them stimulated’ it’s not possible.


New member
May 16, 2023
So my Dad was diagnosed with MD, Alzheimer’s and VD last year, they asked if I wanted to know where on scale he was but I said not as didn’t want it to define a timeline of sorts. He has been mobile until of late and has recently lost confidence walking with a stick, we now have a walker frame, his enthusiasm for going out has disappeared and he just wants to watch telly and rest all day. I’ve noticed that he is sleeping all night and at least 50% of the day. He is 81, I spend each day with him. I’m wondering if this is due to the meds, he has been on Memantine, Risperidone and Mirtazapine for 5 to 6 months or whether this is progression….any advice gratefully received - I have made an appointment with doc next week for a review but could only get in with a trainee who I have been assured is fully competent. My Dad still has mental capacity and is fully aware that he has dementia. I have ordered some indoor games to try and raise some stimulation
Hi there - my mother has been sleeping way more for the past few years and in her case, medication definitely made a huge difference. She doesn't seem to tolerate it well and we even ended up in the hospital before anyone figured out the meds were making her sleep all the time. She did take Memantine and Rivastigmine which we took her off and she made a massive improvement. Memory was still poor but she was more alert and had greater energy. She's however developed really bad neuropathy too so is now back on meds to help that and is back sleeping a fair bit. She also complains of lightheadness. She doesn't sleep all night and all day however as she has very fragmented sleep, quite often up and walking around during the night. Hope this helps and best of luck....