Stages of Grief with Dementia


Registered User
Janet, its good to see you posting on TP although I am sorry it is to do with grief and dementia.

Along with other members who have has shared this Thread I hope it has helped to bring to the fore those feelings of grief through the different stages. This should help us understand ourselves and others experiencing the same.

Thank you Jan. Makes me feel I'm not alone, and brings a wider understanding when you read what others have gone/are going through.



Registered User
thanks Jan

Thank you for pointing me to this thread, living a half-life describes it pretty well. The phrase "anticipatory grief" rings a bell. That is for sure what I am going through right now. As Ray has been gone from home since 14th of June due to his hospitalization this is the second stage of loneliness.

I visited Ray today after he was transferred from the hospital this morning and it hit me that this is not temporary, it is supposed to be but it isn't, it is a new stage, part of the end of life process, a separation, with our lives morphing into another kind of lifestyle.

I think there is a sudden loss of hope too included in the grief. Just the fact that he is in a care home means I know he is no longer coming back home. He will no longer be part of the couple "Sue and Ray" because he and I will be in separate places for most of our day.

I will adapt to it, but it is still like a dreadful dream.
