spooking me out


Registered User
Mar 30, 2015
my oh keeps following me about and then just stares at me for ages with a very strange expression it is very unnerving he's only done this in the last few days he has very little dialogue but tries to say he's looking for mummy this new behaviour is making me on edge


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
That could be separation anxiety. This shadowing is common enough and my wife often engages in such activity.

My wife requires medication to help with her anxiety levels as reassurance only gives very temporary relief.

It's mentioned on Pgs 22 and 23 of the Factsheet that can be read by clicking this link - click the PDF link
Changes in behaviour (525)
PDF printable version

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hes lost @tuffydawn You have become his "comfort blanket" and he doesnt want to let you out of his sight.

Yes, I agree, He doesn`t understand what is happening. If you leave the room he doesn`t know where you are, you could be a million miles away for all he knows.

When I used to go into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, when I took it into my husband he thought I`d been out and just arrived home.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2011
Pratteln Switzerland
My hubby watches me a good part of the day. Whatever I am doing....in the beginning it was irratating but I am used to it now.
Like Granny says we are their security blankets.
And if I go take a nap alone he wanders around the house looking for me making noise. So, now if I want a nap he comes with me. He immediately can drop off into a snoring sleep.


Registered User
May 27, 2016
My hubby watches me a good part of the day. Whatever I am doing....in the beginning it was irratating but I am used to it now.
Like Granny says we are their security blankets.
And if I go take a nap alone he wanders around the house looking for me making noise. So, now if I want a nap he comes with me. He immediately can drop off into a snoring sleep.

But can you? Xxx


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Yes. I used to settle my husband into his armchair, and sit beside him, putting my armchair in front of the door so he couldn't get out without waking me, every afternoon, and we'd both snooze for an hour or two! Often I'd wake up and find him watching me, smiling. He was fine, as long as he could see me. In the night, however, he'd be up, wandering around the house, because he wouldn't see me in the dark, and would go looking for me! A few times, he left the bedroom without waking me (he was only sleeping 1 1/2 to 2 hours at a time, so I was exhausted), and I would find him in the living room, in the dark because he didn't know how to turn on the lights, very frightened because he couldn't find me, and didn't know where I was. I had motion sensor lights everywhere, but in his fear, he would be sitting very still, so the lights would go out! During the day, I couldn't leave him at all, he had to accompany me everywhere. Even to the loo. If he couldn't see me, he'd panic. Because I was the one who "knew everything".


Registered User
Mar 25, 2017
South of the Border
My OH has just started to refer to me as " I thought you knew everything" - so I take it this is just a further manifestation of this awful disease.......


Registered User
Mar 9, 2016
My OH has just started to refer to me as " I thought you knew everything" - so I take it this is just a further manifestation of this awful disease.......
My husband is exactly the same and thinks I can sort everything out for him, sometimes I can’t because of officialdom and it’s heartbreaking


Registered User
May 27, 2016
Mine got discharged from hospital too soon by telling the consultant that his wife could look after him because I could do everything.
The discharge team were horrified, after a bad weekend we had hospital at home for two weeks.
Now he reckons I know everything and can sort out everything.
The back handed compliment it that I do it so well! :):(

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