Speech and psychosis


New member
Feb 9, 2021
Hi everyone

It's my first time posting on this forum (I just joined). My mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease around five years ago and five years prior to then, the doctors struggled to diagnose her at all.

My question is around normal behaviour in people with AD, particularly with regards to speech because my mother went from being mildly confused to having a psychotic episode which she has never emerged from. So even when she was talking, her speech was fast and her sentences were coherent, she didn't make sense at all (she just seemed like she was lost in a different world). Is this typical behaviour or do people with AD slowly lose coherency of their speech?

Thanks for your help.


New member
Feb 9, 2021
Hello @HMK and welcome to DTP.

Im wondering about this psychotic episode. Do you know what caused it?
Hi Canary

Thanks for replying to my post. We're not sure what caused it. At one point the doctors thought it might be depression, PTSD and even dissociative disorder but they couldn't pinpoint it.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
The way you describe what your mum is like sounds the sort of thing that you find in advanced dementia, but it doesnt usually come on that fast, so I was wondering whether she had had delirium, causing the psychosis. Delirium is usually caused by an infection or being in hospital, which is why I wondered what caused the psychosis. If the doctors are stumped, then I guess we will never know.