..sometimes all you can do is laugh!!


Registered User
Jul 24, 2008
Thought that I would share the following and hope it makes you laugh! My mum has been going to a falls clinic to gain confidence. Although it isn't really worth it it gets her out of the house for a few hours. They give her exercises to do at home, she forgets that as soon as she is told. However, she has to complete a diary to note any falls her trips she has had, ummm she can't remember her name let alone completing information. However, I was taking her early one morning and enquired as to whether she recalled any trips. 'Yes' she said confidently, 'When?' 'I tripped down the stairs, took two instead of one, this morning' I asked her where and she said 'you know, there' She actually lives in a ground floor flat, no stairs and has been there for two years. It was the confidence with which she remembered that information that made me laugh. To be honest it would have made me cry before but now I just think you have to go with the flow of it all!


Registered User
Mar 7, 2004
Thank you Heather for sharing. Once again demonstrates the predicable unpredicability when dealing with dementia.

To be honest it would have made me cry before but now I just think you have to go with the flow of it all!

Hope you have many more occasions that can raise a smile.:)


Registered User
Jul 9, 2008
Sutton Coldfield.
Gello Heather.

Just smile. That is what my friend does when her husband talks to his "visitors". J talks to 'Paul' and 'Paul' has just brought along his brother.. my friend is wondering how mnay she will have for Christmas dinner!!!!

I cry and shout and feel so guilty and the above made me smile. Luca


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Hello Heather,

It made me smile too..:)

the predicable unpredicability when dealing with dementia.
....Connie..I could have said that myself!!!

Here's another one to make you smile....

Eric thought we'd won the lottery on Saturday night.
He painstkingly copied the numbers down from Teletext...and went off to find our lottery ticket.
I was busy in the kitchen..until he shouted me through..."We've won it..we've got every number...":eek:
Have you guessed?....Yes..he'd checked the numbers he'd noted down against the numbers on the screen......:rolleyes::D

Dementia has its lighter moments....

Love gigi xx


Registered User
Jun 13, 2008
The winning ticket??

Loved the lottery ticket one:D:D- Mum called yesterday and told us she had won a prize on a scratchcard. At first we thought she had bought a scratchcard from the local shop- no this one cost nothing it was free with the newspaper- she was just about to ring a premium rate number when we called her. Ian tried to explain the way these companies make money- only hope she took it on board and didn't call after putting the phone down to us:eek::eek::eek:

Julie and Ian xx


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Yesterday my mum and dad came to my house late afternoon for an evening meal. It was all a bit last minute, house was a tip, nothing prepared.

I put the TV on for my Dad while I tried to get things ready and came across 'Keeping Up Appearances'. "Ooh I like this one" he said. OK, not a big fan myself but put it on.

The next minute I could hear him chuckling away so I went to investigate. As far as I could gather the plot involved their elderly father who clearly had some form of dementia, he had disappeared and they were all panicking and out looking for him. Sounds familiar???

So now I realise when my Dad is doing his disappearing act and we have the Police looking for him, he is just doing it to make us laugh. :rolleyes:

We did have to see the funny side of it. At least it got my Dad chuckling; it's the first time in ages I've seen him really enjoy a TV programme. So a DVD box set of Keeping Up Appearances on order.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
You have all had me chuckling:D:D The other day when Alan and I were going out somewhere in the car, I said to him "put your belt on please". Alan kept fiddling with something and I repeated "put your belt on please". He was trying to say "I have my belt on" and then he lifted his jumper and showed me his belt. bitter/sweet