Something to make us smile.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Every once in a while our PWD will have a moment where they do or say something to make us smile. I thought it might be nice to share those things with one another.

Tonight my husband gave me a flower he had picked from the garden, when he gave it to me he said I picked this for you. It was nice to know he was thinking of me.

Hopefully others will share something your PWD has said or did that made you smile.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2018
Nice gesture, and hopefully a happy memory for you.

A few months ago I visited mum early and she was still having breakfast - she chewed on what I think was a piece of sausage, took it out of her mouth and offered it to me🤢 - I did decline at which point she put it on the plate and said it tasted horrible and she didn't want it.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
My wife used to sit on a stool at one end of the kitchen, then one day she got off it, kissed me on the shoulder (she's only little) she said then thank you to me, moments of lucidity call it how you will but all those few seconds made it all worthwhile for me. K


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Every once in a while our PWD will have a moment where they do or say something to make us smile. I thought it might be nice to share those things with one another.

Tonight my husband gave me a flower he had picked from the garden, when he gave it to me he said I picked this for you. It was nice to know he was thinking of me.

Hopefully others will share something your PWD has said or did that made you smile.
That’s lovely x

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
When I am doing the non stop thing of offering my husband a drink (usually water, sometimes cordial) he will pass it back to me indicating he would like me to try it. He's non verbal so that's what I assume.
He sometimes kisses my hand like an old style gentleman even when 5 minutes before he has being trying to twist my fingers off during personal care.


Registered User
Dec 17, 2023
My wife used to sit on a stool at one end of the kitchen, then one day she got off it, kissed me on the shoulder (she's only little) she said then thank you to me, moments of lucidity call it how you will but all those few seconds made it all worthwhile for me. K

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
Beautiful .o
Every once in a while our PWD will have a moment where they do or say something to make us smile. I thought it might be nice to share those things with one another.

Tonight my husband gave me a flower he had picked from the garden, when he gave it to me he said I picked this for you. It was nice to know he was thinking of me.

Hopefully others will share something your PWD has said or did that made y


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
My husband doesn't really see that I need to deal with my personal care. I have to have a bath when he's asleep or he will be constantly interrupting me and wanting me out of the bath. I no longer blow-dry my hair because he doesn't like the noise etc. Going to the toilet has to be a very brief affair.

This morning as we were having breakfast I said 'Oh damn' (or similar), 'I've broken a nail'. I didn't think anything more about it. OH went back to bed for his second sleep. Normally, once he has slept his memory is wiped clean. However, when he got up, one of the first things he said was 'don't forget to file the nail you broke this morning'.

Sorry, it's not as romantic as some of the other threads but it meant a lot to me.


Registered User
Dec 17, 2023
My husband doesn't really see that I need to deal with my personal care. I have to have a bath when he's asleep or he will be constantly interrupting me and wanting me out of the bath. I no longer blow-dry my hair because he doesn't like the noise etc. Going to the toilet has to be a very brief affair.

This morning as we were having breakfast I said 'Oh damn' (or similar), 'I've broken a nail'. I didn't think anything more about it. OH went back to bed for his second sleep. Normally, once he has slept his memory is wiped clean. However, when he got up, one of the first things he said was 'don't forget to file the nail you broke this morning'.

Sorry, it's not as romantic as some of the other threads but it meant a lot to me.
I’ve noticed the same. A small detail like taking something out of the freezer which I’d forgot, he’ll surprise me by remembering it.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
After doing the middle of the night toilet visit with my OH he usually thanks me and blows me a kiss as we get back into bed.
It's the only time he ever thanks me or even acknowledges that I do things for him. Tiring as that night shift is at least j knows he's grateful for my help

Now it is Me

New member
May 16, 2024
Every once in a while our PWD will have a moment where they do or say something to make us smile. I thought it might be nice to share those things with one another.

Tonight my husband gave me a flower he had picked from the garden, when he gave it to me he said I picked this for you. It was nice to know he was thinking of me.

Hopefully others will share something your PWD has said or did that made you smile.
One day I was visiting my Husband in his Care Home. We were sitting, just the 2 of us in the conservatory. As I got up to leave, I took his hand and moved in to kiss him on the cheek. He jumped back and said "You are a lovely, kind and beautiful lady and I like you, but I am a happily married man. We can be friends but I will never betray my wonderful wife

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
One day I was visiting my Husband in his Care Home. We were sitting, just the 2 of us in the conservatory. As I got up to leave, I took his hand and moved in to kiss him on the cheek. He jumped back and said "You are a lovely, kind and beautiful lady and I like you, but I am a happily married man. We can be friends but I will never betray my wonderful wife


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
One day I was visiting my Husband in his Care Home. We were sitting, just the 2 of us in the conservatory. As I got up to leave, I took his hand and moved in to kiss him on the cheek. He jumped back and said "You are a lovely, kind and beautiful lady and I like you, but I am a happily married man. We can be friends but I will never betray my wonderful wife
Well, @Now it is Me that's reassuring!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
My wife used to do all the gardening, planned our garden planting, and knew most of the plants, got books on most aspects etc and unfortunately has lost all of this knowledge or so I thought. Because of love of gardening, and we still watch Gardeners' World, I make sure that every few weeks or so I or one or our sons get some cut flowers.
Well I put some peonies and roses in a vase on the unit at the end of her bed. She looked at them, smiled and said "Nice, but I hope you don't mind if I don't eat them!"
And I didn't mind at all.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2014
New Zealand
Mum and I were in the Work and Income (New Zealand) office trying to sort out permission for me to help her out with any pension queries (The fact I had POA counted for nothing...).

After a couple of hours of interviews and form filling we finally got to the end of the process.

Our case worker asked, "Now, Maria, do you have any questions?"
"Yes", my 90-year-old Mum replied firmly, "I do".
There was a pause.
"May I please go home now? It is way past my dinner time and I am very hungry."

Everyone in the vicinity laughed - and the memory still makes me smile :)