sleepless nights


New member
Jun 23, 2024
Hello. I am new here. My name is Donna Marie. My mom has dementia and I have tried everything to get her to sleep at night. She is in hospice at home so my sister and I stay here to help my dad.
We have tried lorazepam ,melatonin tylenol to get her to sleep. Nothing works. She is up the entire night.
We put the tv on , we stroke her head and rub her arm.
We don’t know what else to do bc we are up all night with her and we are exhausted.
Any suggestions or does anyone have the same issue. Thank you.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Hello @skinnydonna and welcome to the forum. I am so sorry to read that your mom is receiving hospice at home care. This is something that we do not have in the UK so I am assuming that you are possibly based in the US.
You certainly cannot keep up that level of care especially as you are already exhausted. I would suggest that your speak to your mom's doctor or whoever started the hospice at home regime and ask them for advice on getting some help to look after your mom.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome from me too @skinnydonna. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. No wonder you are all exhausted. I agree with @SeaSwallow that you try to talk to the people who started the hospice at home care.

Just as a note @SeaSwallow - we can get hospice at home care in Scotland. Marie Cure nurses provided that for my mum in her last week or so. She was referred to the service by her GP. The nurses were wonderful and did some night sits for us -



Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Welcome from me too @skinnydonna. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom. No wonder you are all exhausted. I agree with @SeaSwallow that you try to talk to the people who started the hospice at home care.

Just as a note @SeaSwallow - we can get hospice at home care in Scotland. Marie Cure nurses provided that for my mum in her last week or so. She was referred to the service by her GP. The nurses were wonderful and did some night sits for us -

I should have remembered that, my neighbour had the Marie Curie nurses when she was in the last stage of her cancer journey.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I should have remembered that, my neighbour had the Marie Curie nurses when she was in the last stage of her cancer journey.

I was surprised to be offered their Involvement as my mum didn’t have cancer. She had vascular dementia.