

New member
Nov 13, 2023
My brother has trouble sleeping at night. A couple of days ago he was awake for 24 hours. Even though I could see he was tired and could barely keep his eyes open, he could not keep them closed long enough for him to fall asleep. I told his dr and she prescribed a sleep medicine. I did not give it to him tonight. I only gave him the trazodone which makes him sleepy but sometimes does not last through the night. The new medicine that the dr prescribed was clonazepam. I gave it to him 2 nights and did not like the side effects. First day he woke up in a somber mood and was being aggressive. Nothing harmful but very unlike him. My brother is the gentlest person in the world, even now with his dementia. Before I put him to bed he became a little weepy which I attributed to him being tired. This morning, during breakfast, he became weepy again, nonstop! After brushing his teeth, I took him to the couch to watch some tv and he feel asleep for a couple of hours. Tonight I just gave him the trazodone. I have not noticed any side effects with this medicine. Has anyone experienced anything similar to this with the clonazepan? Does anyone use anything organic that can help with sleep? I am learning as I go along.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@AbuLaura Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your brother’s difficulties when it comes to sleeping. Unfortunately disturbed sleep patterns are common in people with dementia which makes it really hard for the person with dementia and their carer. I am not familiar with the medication that you mentioned any many doctors are reluctant to prescribe sleeping tablets because of the increased falls risk.
If your brother has reacted badly to any of the meds I would suggest speaking to his doctor, there are alternatives such as melatonin, but that does take a while to kick in. I would suggest that you do not use any herbal products as they don’t always mix well with prescribed medications.
I hope that this has helped and I am sure the other members will also make suggestions.
Just another thought, try to restrict your brother’s intake of caffeine if you can. It is a stimulant and can interfere with sleep.


New member
Nov 13, 2023
@AbuLaura Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. I am sorry to read about your brother’s difficulties when it comes to sleeping. Unfortunately disturbed sleep patterns are common in people with dementia which makes it really hard for the person with dementia and their carer. I am not familiar with the medication that you mentioned any many doctors are reluctant to prescribe sleeping tablets because of the increased falls risk.
If your brother has reacted badly to any of the meds I would suggest speaking to his doctor, there are alternatives such as melatonin, but that does take a while to kick in. I would suggest that you do not use any herbal products as they don’t always mix well with prescribed medications.
I hope that this has helped and I am sure the other members will also make suggestions.
Just another thought, try to restrict your brother’s intake of caffeine if you can. It is a stimulant and can interfere with sleep.
Thank you so much for your reply. Definitely planning to talk to the dr tomorrow. My brother cannot walk anymore so there is risk of him falling. It is 1:30 am and he is wide awake. He’s very calm but not closing his eyes. He used to have half a cup of coffee with his breakfast and now he drinks camomile tea (no caffeine) I also limit his sugar intake. Nothing after 3pm. I have also tried melatonin and it didn’t help. Hoping the dr can prescribe something else. Thank you again for all your suggestions. Good night.