singing for the brain


New member
Sep 17, 2023
Hi all, I would like to share our thoughts with you on becoming a member of our local sing group and how it has help my wife coping with Dementia. this letter was sent to our group leader and helpers

Hi Liz, it has now been 12 months since Linda and I joined the singing group and I would like to express our gratitude to you and your little helpers, Singing for the Brain has made a big difference to Linda's well-being. At first she was apprehensive at what would be involved but after the first meeting those fears what Linda may have had were soon dispelled. She felt a warm welcome from everybody in the room and soon realised that she was not alone and could relate to others who were coping with Dementia.

Singing for the Brain has been a source or joy and support for Linda and I; although reluctant at first, Linda now says it is her 'happy place'

Initially when Linda was diagnosed with dementia we were introduced to professionals and organisations [Memory Clinic Alzhemers) and given lots of information

One lady (W.L.) who had arranged a meeting with us to discuss Dementia suggested that we could try a session of Singing for the Brain, and that one was close by to were we lived. Although a little nervous It felt and sounded good and so we decided to give it ago.

I have observed over the past 12 months that this was the ‘magic’ that Linda needed, an introduction to the group, and all newcomers. It is brilliant! No one goes unnoticed, and week in and week out. no one’s plight, situation or worries are dismissed. The staff have time for everybody. thank you

We have been touched by the warmth and friendliness of both staff and friends their sharing of stories and their wonderful smiles and encouragement Singing for the Brain is not just ‘somewhere for us to go’, but a place we WANT to go. We have all become good friends, brilliant company and a source of tremendous support.

It is a happy place where we can smile despite our difficulties, laugh at ourselves and the situations we can get ourselves into.

Derek and Linda


Registered User
Jun 20, 2017
What a lovely post
Couldn't agree more! Sometimes it can be so diffcult to take that first step into something unknown. But you did and it paid off. Music is such a tonic for the soul. May your pleasure long continue.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That’s so good to read.

I couldn’t agree with you more. My husband was in our local dementia choir until the week before he died. I remained on as a volunteer after he died and each week I see what music and singing brings to our members who gave a diagnosis.

Long may your wife enjoy her music. 💜🎶