Sibstar: the first ever debit card and app for families in the UK living with dementia


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Strange how all the questions come from registered users and the positive answers from new users on the site and so many from the Stib Star team, strange. K


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
This card doesn’t apply to me because I do not reside in UK.

However, how my bank works means things like this card are totally unnecessary.

We have a joint account and both of us have debit cards. I have never had or wanted a credit card.
Our account can be compartmentalised so I have an everyday sub account for paying bills, buying groceries etc and there is a cap on transactions which then requires a PIN to exceed that.
This is the only part of the joint account which can be accessed by card for purchases and ATM (Cashpoints) transactions and I keep only sufficient money in there to cover our needs.

I can also keep excess cash in another sub account which incurs a higher interest rate than the everyday account. If I wanted to, I could have sub accounts to save money for things like holidays or Christmas. It is a simple process to transfer funds internally online as required.

We have had this arrangement for years. It works very well, gives my husband the independence of having a card with him and have never had a problem.

Sibstar Team

New member
Jul 4, 2023
This sounds really interesting. I'm really struggling with getting my sister to allow my mum choice, control and dignity with managing her finances. I'm also super aware that she's doing her best and is worried about my mum being taken advantage of but essentially my mum can't pay for anything over £150. Does this account allow caps on spending to be relaxed for a day e.g. if my mum wanted to pay for dental treatment or buy a new sofa?

Hi Amelia

I’m sorry to hear about the struggles with your sister and mum.

Within the Sibstar app, you can set spending limits, track purchases, and receive real-time notifications of when the card has been used. You can also switch on or off cashpoint withdrawals, online & phone purchasing and much more.

So, for example, if you only wanted her to be able to spend a set amount a day, you could set this limit within the app, and if you wanted to change it to allow her to spend more, you can do so and it updates instantly.

Jasmin @ Sibstar
Our friendly UK Customer Service team are here to help Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm. 01962 676 080


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I saw Sibstar on Dragon’s Den tonight.

They got 2 Dragons - Sara Davies and Deborah Meadon - a £125,000 investment between them.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Their company financial reports at might make for interesting reading, not for me sorry. K


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Hi Amelia

I’m sorry to hear about the struggles with your sister and mum.

Within the Sibstar app, you can set spending limits, track purchases, and receive real-time notifications of when the card has been used. You can also switch on or off cashpoint withdrawals, online & phone purchasing and much more.

So, for example, if you only wanted her to be able to spend a set amount a day, you could set this limit within the app, and if you wanted to change it to allow her to spend more, you can do so and it updates instantly.

Jasmin @ Sibstar
Our friendly UK Customer Service team are here to help Monday-Friday 8am - 6pm. 01962 676 080
I'm wondering how I would feel if someone did that with my debit card.

Embarassed, totally confused as to why it worked before and won't work now, very angry. I would keep trying, maybe go in another shop and try there, etc, etc. I'd feel like someone was trying to scam me or that the bank had cancelled my card and how dare they...?

Do you expect people with dementia to 1) understand what's happening and 2) be happy about it?