

Registered User
Jan 8, 2017
Hi everybody

My husband has one of the rare dementias, Posterior Cortical Atrophy, which meant that in addition to the regular dementia challenges, he has lost his spatial awareness, and is losing his sight. He has had bad arthritis in his legs for a couple of years, and after his last stay in hospital following a fall, and apparently a bladder retention problem, he came home with a hospital bed, a commode, a hoist and unable to do anything.

So now he is in bed permanently, and is convinced that he still holds many positions of authority, with, at one time, an insistance that everybody who spoke to him should be standing. In his mind he is running many meetings, none of which are being organised properly, and yesterday he decided that the only way forward was to run everything at top volume, and it's the volume you can hear outside the house with all the doors and windows closed.

Unfortunately this has continued all last night and all today, and I don't think it can be a urine infection, because his urine is clear, and he has had many shouting days and nights, but not all together, till now.

Has anyone any ideas about how to stop the shouting? I am a truly wicked carer, because I just pray that he will lose his voice!,

Sorry this is so long - I wish you could hear the noise

Crybaby gill xx


Registered User
Jul 23, 2017
N Ireland
In all honesty I would talk to the GP as there would seem to be distress there. Maybe something could be prescribed.

I would still have a check for a UTI as I don't think clear urine can exclude that.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2016
I would ask CPN as they can arrange for antipsychotic meds which will calm him down. This disease is horrible xx Hope you get some peace xx


Registered User
Jan 8, 2017
I am so grateful for all your advice - I will definitely call the doctor for his advice, although he's a lovely man, but I think a bit afraid of dementia, as he will speak to me on the phone and prescribe some antibiotics again. I am hoping for some anti psychotics, if only to keep him quiet at night.

The unknown problem is that when he was diagnosed, two and a half years ago, he went absolutely berserk, and to "cheer him up" the lady said that he didn't have to worry as Terry Pratchett, the writer, suffered from PCA too , so as soon as we got home he started reading all Terry Pratchett's books. Talking about his problem, he mentioned that he shouted all the time. So now my Terry thinks that that's what he can do, too.

Crybaby Gill x