Shortest Driving Ban ever!


Registered User
Jun 12, 2023
West Yorkshire
Wow ! is it really a month since I last visited this forum. Well I suppose I ought to say what I've been up to . Actually ---just getting on with life ! In regards to my earlier post ( August the 9th I think ) regarding the GP thinking my hubby had had a mini stroke ( TIA ) and banned him from driving for 28 days or until he'd been given the all clear from the hospital , it was all nonsense ! The stroke consultant rang me the following morning , basically went through everything that had happened and then announced he definately hadnt had a TIA , wasn't to take the Aspirin the GP had given him and everything was back to normal ! Including my husband being able to drive ! Shortest driving ban I've ever heard of lol. Unfortunately my attempts at getting back in the car driving have failed miserably , well they didnt even get started really . Hubby took me for eyes testing which I usually have done at home but the last twice Specsavers have got the prescription totally wrong so I had no option but to head of to the local Asda Opticians and endured the drive . My back was killing before I'd even got there , but I got my new glasses which are perfect . Even though I did spend most of the following week walking like a Thunderbird! lol . So like I said we've both been getting on with life ....We are getting somewhat in a routine , where I know what hubby can do and what he cant . Seems if he paces what he does he's not too bad . We have sorted his meds out , which is helping . And as long as he doesnt push it he's ok , well better lets say. It's taking him time to adjust , as he's not used to slowing down but he's getting there . There hasnt been much change with his mild VD , still roughly on the same level . Hew forgets things like setting the kettle / microwave sometimes and where stuff is , and his main problem is when he does overdo it his head buzzes at 100mph - thats how he describes it anyway . But apart from that we are for the moment managing okay , so we are making the most of it . If anything we are nicer to one another . Not that we ever were " not nice " over the 50 years we've been married but we give each other a bit more leeway shall I say . Hopefully , that's how it will stay but who knows . Like I said we are making the most of what we can while we can . Yes , there are still days I could just cry my eyes out and I do ..... but they are fewer now . I'm too busy caring for my carer lol , but for now we are a team ...I'm the brains and he's the brawn ! I was in such a mess when we got the diagnosis but things do settle down , before the bumpy road ahead . But for now we do what we can . I hope you are all getting all the help and support that you currently need , although going by some of your posts there's a lot of you who aren't . If not I hope you have support from family and friends and theres always a friendly voice on the helpline if you need advice or just a rant . Take care my friends , we are all on this road together , whatever stages we are at - there will always be the final stage ahead that we all have to face . Til then we do the best we can x

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