Shops and Dementia


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham

I do wonder how many people with dementia struggle with the larger supermarkets these days.

Although I have never minded going shopping, since we got married, I am starting to wonder if I am becoming a grumpy old man when I enter one of these shops these days.

Its bad enough trying to work out what you want, and then trying to find it. However these days, shops are starting to move things around, rather that leave them in the same stand at the same height. I gather that in some shops people know exactly which row an article is in and which side, so by moving it the store has you looking at other things that you may not want.

But these days for a bit more fun, (as well as dodging the shopping trolleys, being pushed by high speed old people), who want to be out of the shop before you get in, these stores are starting to pile other items in the aisles. Things the shop hopes you will buy even though you probably don't want it.

Its becoming like a race track chicane, so we are going from one side of the aisle to another, dodging everyone else while trying to remember what we came in for, and seeing where its been hidden.

I have heard shopping is being called retail therapy these days, which makes me wonder what people get out of it, because I do think that many need a therapist by the time they get their food shopping and get back home.

So am I becoming a grumpy old man or do others think that these shops are becoming a hazard to all these days, whether they are healthy or have memory problems.

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Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
No worries Ken. I don't have memory problems but as soon as I hit the supermarket I get trolley rage. I am a grumpy old woman and not ashamed to admit it :D

Yes, those piles in the aisles are a blooming pain in the neck, as are the groups of people parked up with their trolleys having a 3 hour gossip.

The things on the top shelf are always running out and what I need is right at the back so I have to don my crampons and scale the heights to grab what I need.

Try online shopping Ken, it's much more restful...until you realise you've missed off half your shopping list and have to nip to the store anyway :rolleyes::(

Vonny xx


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
i know what you mean i have mum in a wheelchair and one of them stupid trolleys that never fit right i sometimes feel i need a sign on my back saying LONG VEHICLE. then as im going round i have to miss the things in the aisle (SPECIAL OFFERS) and such. i have complained at our local store to the manager he was very nice and said he would take wheelchairs into account when setting the goods out. HA HA! made no difference so now if there in the way i have great pleasure in knocking them down maybe they will take the hint one day. larivy


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Yes Ken I am another one. I hate shopping at the best of times and I am a woman (most of my friends like the retail therapy bit). Yes I like everything in the same place all the time and when you have to ask where the sardines are or whatever it becomes very time consuming.

I am only 5'3" and can never reach the top shelf - on day I shall deliberately pull everything down in the attempt and leave the mess behind with my nose in the air!! :p:p

The other maddening thing is when at the cash till at least one of my items has no price label :eek::eek:

I must try online shopping. Jan


Registered User
Mar 24, 2006
Co Durham
I quite agree with these comments and realise everyone struggles in one way or another.

One thing I can not do when shopping is to use these self service tills, as I find it very off putting when any machine speaks to me. Its the same as these gadgets that people have in there cars, telling them which direction to take.

It always sounds an alien voice to me, something that I need to get away from as fast as possible.

Its also amazing how many people head along each aisle at high speed rather that look to see what is coming from the other direction, or round the corner.

I confess that I have strolled around a corner on many occassions, and been confronted by some wild looking creature heading the other way and its always me who seems to say sorry, as it always feels as if I am in everyones way.


Linda Mc

Registered User
Jul 3, 2005
Nr Mold
That is why I only shop in Al** these days quick to get around I can't stand going to the bigger stores anymore whether or not I have Vic with me. Keep meaning to try online but am sure I will spend more!

Linda x