Severe aggression - ?medication


Registered User
My wife's dementia is now severe and since a urinary infection 2-3 months ago, her aggression, which was largely under control on Risperidone 1mg/0.5mg/0.5mg per day has become much more severe. Scratching/nipping/trying to break fingers etc virtually all day. She does this with everyone- myself/children/carers/strangers etc
I was told we were on maximum Risperidone for her age (78).
Any suggestions on dosage or other drug therapy?

Many thanks.

I should have added that she is also on lorazepam 0.5mg morning. I tried 1 mg but she became very drowsy and fell in the afternoon.
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Volunteer Moderator
Hello @Alsh I am so sorry to read about your wife's aggression, this can be so hard to deal with. The terms and rules of the forum do not allow us to give any medical advice so I would suggest that you contact your wife's GP or her consultant for advice.