Section 117 funding top ups


New member
Apr 18, 2024
Hi all
Seeking some clear advise to the ins and outs of section 117 funding. Living in West sussex.
My mother is 80 with bipolar and mobility issues. She under sect 117 and for last 2 yrs received 18 hrs p/wk care at home. Approx. £310 p/wk.
Due to falls etc and her declining mental health shes in hospital and awaiting a placement for 4 wks in a nursing home which will be funded by NHS and L.A. However the care providers they use ( in particular the carehome they found for her is cqc R.I and is large and 10 miles away)
We are not entirely happy that this is right for mum and would like to seek a private smaller carehome instead.
So my questions are:
1. Third party top up ..what is that?
2. Are we allowed to choose where mum goes and still get the funding?
3. How is the top up implemented? ie. Do we as family directly receive the payment and then pay the carehome of our choosing.
4. Is their a percentage set for top ups .eg. they pay
Thank you ,in anticipation
Just such a minefield

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @jo117

I think this is one for the Helpline. They will have everything you need to know at their fingertips.



Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
A third party top up is one that comes from family or other parties as oppose to the person needing care.
If a home you would rather use meets the requirements of the care plan and is willing to take 117 funding/ has an agreement with the local authority then in theory, if you can meet the top up for at least 2 years it should be possible. The LA will pay the home and I assume you pay them the top up, the LA won’t give you money.
It isn’t a percentage, it is the amount that goes over what the LA/Nhs will pay. So in simplified terms if the LA only pay up to £750 a week but the home costs £1000 then the top up is the difference.
If your mum has any assets, this is one of the occasions where she can pay a top up herself, eg assets from a house sale or pensions.
Having said all of that I am wondering is this placement is to re assess your mums needs as it is only for 4 weeks. Once an assessment is done , a new care plan will be drawn up and that may include residential care at which point the decision about where will be made . This is definitely going to cost more that her current package but 117 aftercare funding should still be in place as she is not getting better but now has greater needs.
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New member
Apr 18, 2024
Thank you for you response ..
Ahh, so 3rd party is the family paying ,not my mum , but mum has the funds, so that's great. I guess that's called 1st party ?
So clarifying the private carehome we choose has to accept section 117 funding and has an agreement with L.A.

How do we find out what total amount they will fund ,is it the social worker ?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
s117 is one of the three situations where first party top up are allowed, mother can pay them.

The ICB is responsible for overseeing s117 although the funding is split between it and the LA with the LA funding social needs.

The ICB will have appointed a care coordinator
Start asking social worker for details and if hitting a brick wall ask ICB who is the coordinator.
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