Scottish Government Committee to Look into Issues Raised on Panorama


Registered User
Hi all,

Noticed in the Scottish news that the Local Government Committee are to look at the issues raised in the Panorama programme on home care. This will include examining the use of reverse e-auctions for care contracts.

They hope to begin taking evidence in the next few weeks. They will then make recommendations to the Scottish Government.

It should be interesting to see what comes out of this... I do hope this auctioning of care to the lowest bidder is stopped and that more will be done to protect vulnerable people who deserve far better.



Registered User

EmJ - lack of posts does not mean lack of interest - this is a very useful thread - people are reading you can see by the number of "views". Thanks for updating us.


Registered User
Very true what Bookworm has said, many of us are intensely interested! Please do keep us posted on what happens. Good on Panorama!! But disgraceful that it continued being ignored for so long.



Registered User
Thanks Tina & Bookworm.

I know that it is very important to many people and I will keep an eye to see what happens. :) I think the fact that they are looking into it is a good thing - particularly for people that rely on home care services.

Take care,


Registered User
I'll be keeping an eye on it too, EmJ. I hope they can at least improve the situation -- there's room for it!

And I missed the Alzscot ad!!!!!:(


Registered User
Hi all,

The Scottish Government have now responded to the committees recommendations. (If you click on the link in the post above you should access it.) I would have liked to see a much stronger response from the government. I don't feel that reassured to be honest. :(

We will just have to see what comes out of the 'Good Practice in Social Care Procurement Reference Group'...

The following article doesn't help either...

EmJ :)


Registered User
Hello EmJ

I can't tell you how grateful I am for all this info and the web addresses. I have printed and saved them all and will be using them to help me with our local authority. I'm leading a workstream for my local LINKs organisation and we are very much involved with the changes in EMI services in our area. As lead on the workstream, I will be having monthly meetings with my LA as they start the process of 'tendering out' the service. I will be using this information to help in the tendering processes and hope to make a strong impact for the better.



Registered User
Thanks Tina

It's really good that the information has been helpful to you.
Best of luck with the good work that you are doing. :)
