Say hello and introduce yourself


New member
Jun 16, 2024
Hi, I'm Joyce. My husband was diagnosed with mixed dementia 10 years ago, fortunately it was an early diagnosis and he has been on tablets ever since. He is retired, being somewhat older than me, and I currently still work full time as he is still fairly independent. I have only just realised this forum existed, and I am sure I will find it very helpful - we do have our moments! and there are times when I feel guilt for being out at work so much.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @JoyceH and welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. It's good that you've found us as this is a great place for receiving friendly support from people who understand and members are happy to offer advice and help if they can. Do take a browse around, and there is always someone here to listen.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome from me too @JoyceH I really hope you will find this forum helpful and supportive.

Well done for being a primary carer for 10 years and holding a job down at the same time.

As for `having your moments` I`m sure we will all identify with that.

If you feel you will want to stay and be part of the community, your best bet would be to start your own Thread in the section I have a partner with dementia, which you will find here;