
Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
I think I may be giving mum the wrong CO, I am using that KTC CO, its pure but doesn't say if its organic or extra virgin. Do you think it will be ok to give her or should I swap it to another one?

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Virgin Organic vs other brands

Hi Carabosse,

Let's see. My aim is to provide real data, so I went to the source.
"There are two primary types of coconut oil you will find in stores. One is called virgin coconut oil: the other is refined, bleached, and deodorised (RDB) coconut oil. Virgin coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts with very minimal processing. The oil basically comes straight from the coconut. Since is has gone through little processing, it retains a delicate coconut taste and aroma.

RBD coconut oil is made from copra (air dried coconut) and has gone through more extensive processing. During the processing all the flavour and aroma has been removed. For people who don't like the taste of coconot in their foods, this is a good option. RDB oil is processed using mechanical means and high temperatures. Chemicals are not generally used. When you do go to the store, you can tell the difference between virgin and RDB coconout oils by the label. All virgin coconut oils will state that they are "virgin". RDB oils will not have this statement. They also do not say RDB. Sometimes they will be advertised as "expeller pressed", which means that the initial pressing of the oil from the coconut meat was done mechanically, without the use of heat. However, heat is usually used at some later stage in the refining process.
Coconut oil is available at all health food stores, many grocery stores, as well as on the internet. There are many different brands to choose from. Generally the more expensive brands are the best quality, but not always. The cheaper brands of virgin coconut oil are almost always of inferior quality. All brands, however, hae basically the same culinary and therapeutic effects and are useful."
[taken from Fife: Stop Alzheimers Now! How to prevent and reverse dementia, Parkinson's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis and other Neurodegenerative disorders; page 205-6]

I have not encountered RDB oil. My first batch was from Holl*** and Barr*** as they had a two for one special offer. I really liked the flavour of that, and I observed improvement in Mum's cognitive status on this brand.

Later, due to price and the quantity we use (hubby and I are on preventative dose of 2 tablespoons each per day), as we have replaced all our oils and fats with coconut oil now, I went to the company someone recommended on one of the threads. It is cheaper, to me it tastes slightly less nutty, but is still working on Mum.

Here is what it says on the label:
"Coconoil organic virgin coconut oil is carefully produced from the finest organically grown coconuts in Sri Lanka.
Using traditional methods of production we retain all the healthy qualities enjoyed in this completely natural and exceptional oil.
* cold pressed
* rich in lauric acid (the stuff in human breast milk = my research)
* cholesterol free
* sugar free
* rich in medium chain triglycerides (MCT) - (this is the alternative brain fuel!)
* energy boosting
* flavour enhancing
* no additives
* no preservatives

You can see their products at

Note: they set up after the tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka to provide coconut farmers with a regular income from a UK buyer. We dementia clients are not their key customers, they supply to UK asian stores, restaurants and so on.

While they are friendly and helpful, they don't have data on treating dementia with coconut oil because really they supply oil for cooking to the asian community.

Someone wondered it it were possible to guarantee it is organic. Well, I can't make any promises, but the label on their container carries the organic logos of
- organic soil association
- USDA organic
- Approved Vegetarian Society
- and one more which I can't read! (need glasses)

On the label it says "Coconoil certified virgin coconut oil organic".

Obviously I am not advising you, or anyone. Just as a user, both me and Mum, I am sharing what I have found to be satisfactory. There are loads of suppliers out there.

As far as I know postage in UK is free, but I had to pay as it was shipped to France.
Bon appetit! BE
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Thanks Big Effort appreciate you taking the time and effort to explain about CO, it makes choosing a product easier when someone who has used it for a while gives a good opinion of something, that allows the rest of us to make an informed decision as to whether or not to try a product or not. Thanks again.

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Carabosse,

Thanks Big Effort appreciate you taking the time and effort to explain about CO, it makes choosing a product easier when someone who has used it for a while gives a good opinion of something, that allows the rest of us to make an informed decision as to whether or not to try a product or not. Thanks again.

You have hit the nail on the head. It takes a tremendous amount of time. Why do I do it? Because I wish I had tried this out when Mum was diagnosed 4 years ago.

However, I am getting more and more work (good for me and our finances), so hopefully this will serve as a resource for people who are trying to access information. Soon I will be limiting my time spent on TP.

You are so right. Everyone has to make up their own minds, and as I have said before, it is critical that they read the main books (Fife and Newport) as there is a wealth of data..... and to make up one's mind one needs research and up to date data. The research papers both books give are often available online.

I am very grateful to TP for allowing this discussion. All the best and let us know what results you get, or don't get, with your Mum, BE


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
So....we have Mary NewPORT, Dr. (naturopathic doctor, i.e. not medically qualified) Fife.

What other evidence?

Show me some links to actual research and the spelling is ester....

Int t'internet marvellous?
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
A lot of holistic stuff works but has never been proven, I personally don't believe in such stuff as I tried it for my hayfever and ended up paying a fortune. However, when it comes to something that may help a person suffering from any form of Dementia surely if something seems to work for others it would be worth giving it a try, I am willing to give CO to my mum to help her, my Dr see's no reason why mum shouldn't have it, so why all the negative remarks? We are all adults here and sharing experiences is what this website is all about or am I missing the point?


Registered User
Dec 8, 2011
North West
Your response is perfectly sensible, Carabosse. Personally, I can't object to it in any way. I share your attitude.

I think that what disturbs me is the evangelism, the willingness to believe almost anything, and the insistence almost that others must share all your 'findings' and 'research' even if they only emanate from one man and his dog.

Notice how possible queries are dealt with (when they are not ignored).

The inconsistency is also worrying.

Let us know how you get on, by all means. One of the problems is that people who don't have anything positive to report are unlikely to post here and some of those who report success may not to bother with or may play down the problems, which means people may get an inaccurate picture. This thread is not a scientific study. What disturbs me most is that some who post here probably think this a good thing.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
I posted on the other thread about trying it for nearly six months with my husband who has vascular dementia, it did not make any difference apart from loose stools, but everyone seemed to ignore my post, but that is just one out of many , it may work for some people,


Registered User
Aug 29, 2011
I have long felt that the zeal and claims for coconut oil and the blind refusal to balance with evidence and experience against use, has become uncomfortable reading, and the whole tone of the threads feel presurised and unhealthy to me


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
How is it unhealthy or pressurised, a member or two has told us about how CO has helped their loved ones with this terrible condition, I thought this is what the website was about sharing info whether it works for everyone or not is beyond the point, you get mainstream medication that doesn't work for everyone but because they have 3 lots of trials behind them no one utters a word. As I said before if my Dr is ok with me trying mum on CO and he knows all too well the hype that surrounds it, I can't see a problem.


Registered User
May 20, 2009
I think it's good to keep an open mind.
I read everyone's post on this thread with interest,
to see what their experience is.:)


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
That's what I am doing keeping an open mind, if it works and mum shows some improvement then i'll be happy (as will she), if it doesn't there is no harm done, either way i'll let everyone know. I'm not giving CO to mum just for the sake of it, I have weighed up the pros and cons and have sought the backing of my Dr (which I got), for people to say its all hype due to the fact it hasn't been tested to the same level as mainstream drugs or have articles written about it is not right, yes people have their opinions and i'm all for people expressing them but information should be allowed to be shared without prejudice after all this is a website for people who have or have loved ones suffering from various forms of Dementia, any information that may or may not help would surely be gladly received? It is then up to the individual concerned as to what they do with it.


Registered User
Sep 7, 2012
As long as things are presented in a balanced way.

Some members haven't just spoken about how Coconut oil has helped or not helped their family member, they have declared that it will make certain infections, UTI's, chest infections 'a thing of the past'.

Indeed we have had conflicting posts about improvements and others about downward slides.

Some posts have said it has healing properties when there is NO clinical evidence to support that view.

Two books are quoted constantly, one from Mary Newport whose husband is also on other medication and she, as an MD has not tried to validate her claims with scientific tests and trials....she wrote a best selling book.

And one from Bruce Fife who is a naturopathic Doctor who writes books and sells products and advertising on his Coconut oil website, again no tests or trials to validate the claims.

Psuedo-science grasping at the tiny grains of real science, in my opinion.

The links to the actual science that are being researched, are brushed over and coconut oil is a suddenly a miracle product, it can cure hair loss, help people with HIV, UTI's, Herpes, dry skin, cure Alzheimer's and you can fry an egg in it.

And it's all supposed to be a conspiracy in case the Pharmecutical Companies profits go down.
In fact, the Alternative Medicine Market is growing fast and is worth Billions of £'s.

In my opinion, it's buying snake oil but it is just my opinion.

Lots of research needs to happen before encouragement to have false hope and spend money you often don't have when you are disabled or caring.

Also, it's one thing to take it yourself, I'm not sure it's OK to give it to someone who doesn't have the capacity to agree.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
I agree research should be done under proper clinical protocols, but you know as well as I do that pharmaceutical companies won't jump on the bandwagon until they are sure they can make money out of something, and I have no problems with that, however where someone you love has any form of Dementia you will help them all you can, that may even mean trying something that to all else and purposes seems ridiculous and may never work, but you will try anything or at least I will. My mum has capacity and willingly takes the CO after I have explained things to her, even if she didn't have capacity I would still give it to her as I know she would want me to try everything I could to help her, as long as I am not putting her life in danger (and i'm not) and have the backing of medical personnel I will continue to try anything to help my mum.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
I thought I would post a little update on how things are going for mum since starting the CO.
Yesterday I drew a round circle and asked mum if she could put the numbers in for a clock face, she replied 'oh i'm not sure' , I just said 'do what you can', then mum just filled in the numbers (albeit with a shaky hand) without a problem, they were a few mm off of their proper positions but they were there. So far mum has been able to do this 3 times I have asked her, once when she was in pain due to being constipated she couldn't do it, so I let that one go.
I have also made up my own mini memory test, ok I only have 9 questions so far but its a start I will think of one or two more to add to it, btw how many are there supposed to be?
As I have mentioned before, i'm not sure whether the CO is responsible for the improvement in mum or the Souvenaid or a combination of both, just thought I would share this with everyone else :)

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Carabosse,

You have made my day!
My biggest regret is not taking the time to read the literature on coconut oil as brain fuel and anti-viral/fungal/bacterial four years ago. I started Mum way, way too late, out of desperation...... I would have given anything, diesel, it I had thought it would help. And bingo! it did, within a couple of doses. And now I'm left to question my early decisions to give coconut oil a miss.

I am also experimenting plenty in my own way. I found Fife's book very informative, as to how it could work and why. A friend who had a stroke three years ago started a month ago and has made incredible progress. He was paralysed (is still paralysed), yet his whole mindset has changed, he is using his gym, he is hopeful.....

I am treating my very dry feet with it. I want to test out the anti-fungal properties myself. I wonder if the dry skin is home to a fungus that just keeps drying out the upper layers? Daughter is nourishing her long hair and found it good too. Someone else is getting rid of psoriasis, and a friend has got rid of 'itchy veins', they drove her mad with itching at night, and she has been rubbing it in at night just to see. Brown and black discoloured skin is turning normal....

When I had my amnesia, husband and son made me eat coconut oil on Ryvita. My son is particularly skeptical, but obviously he was desperate and didn't care what fixed me as long as I got fixed! I am fixed now, but can't claim it was CO.

Mum is in very shook state, but no more poos on the draining board since starting up. Her reading and writing skills are still up compared with last year or so. Other things have deteriorated though.

Night night, BE


Registered User
Jan 10, 2013
Glad to see you are on the mend, and that your son gave you some CO even though he doesn't think it would work. That's like me, I am not sure if it would work, but since there is no harm in giving it to mum.
Going back to what I mentioned, mums CPN came later in the morning and I showed her the clock faces mum has been doing and the 9 questions I made up for mum, she was impressed. The next time she is coming she will do the mini assessment to see how (or rather if) mum has improved, she said she would like to let the consultant know about the CO, so I might put the clock faces mum has done, etc into a chart or something so he can see them.

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