Saga of the electrics


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Some of you will know that I was having an electrician in to provide sensors so that the lights automatically come on and go off upstairs at night. I have had nothing but trouble with this electrician. I had him in originally to problem solve and he came up with the solutions and assured me they would work. I told him I had to work to specific days and needed him to keep to schedule because of the need to cut down disruption to Alan.

First: He cancelled the day and changed it to another. Then because the stairs are completely dark until Alan arrives at the top because of the electricians problem solving - the electrician then tells me I need another kind of light on the stairs which is more work and more cost. I said this was not acceptable because he'd been to assess the situation and had assured me that his original solution would work.

He came yesterday and to cut a long story short the upstairs sensor is not at all adequate. In fact it is now dangerous because Alan is too near the stairs before the light comes on:eek: I mentioned this to the electrician yesterday and he said it would be ok and to see how we went on last night. I am not happy. He came back today and I told him that there were some teething problems. He told me that I had to be satisfied with it as it is. I told him that he'd agreed to solve the original problem and his solution is not working.

In the end he accused me of taking the p-ss and he walked out saying that the whole job was on him. He did a couple of other jobs yesterday but I did tell him that they were not the priority and the upstairs lighting was to take precedence.

Fortunately, the sitter was here and he heard the electrician talking to me and he intervened because he could hear that I was being clear and reasonable and the electrician was very wrong in his whole approach.

I now have someone who has been recommended and am waiting for them to come and sort this mess out.

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Registered User
Nov 9, 2008
South Coast UK
Hi Helen

How awful to be let down in this way.

Do you know if he was fully NICEIC accredited? This is the scheme to ensure that electricians act properly and within certain legislation - if he has done certain types of work it needs to be properly certified - either by him or someone else.

Trustmark is also a scheme for accredited tradesmen (not just electricians), and if he used this as a way of advertising services it can be reported to them too



Registered User
Oct 6, 2007
Oh Helen, that is just awful.

You would think that we should be able to trust people and that they should no what they are doing when they have a trade - but obviously we can't.

I really hope the other guy sorts it all out for you.


Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
This is the sort of stress we can well do without. I am sorry you are having this trouble. It always feels like the end of the world because we are so vulberable and workmen do not understand.You know what you asked for and he has not delivered as promised, I gathered you are not paying him at all but that is not the point,you now have to start all over again. It will get sorted Helen and it will be good when it is done properly. I know you will take extra care with Alan in the meantime. Take care


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thanks folks. I do like straight dealings with people. A good job for a good price. I don't seek cheap tradesmen. My priority is a good job and if it costs, it costs. It's stress and hassle I don't want by cheap and shoddy work.

Winnie, I'm not paying him a penny and I don't think he expects it the way he went on his way saying "the job is on me". I think he thought I was the kind of person that he could hoodwink into accepting a system that doesn't work properly.

Ella, I don't know whether he was with NICEIT but I didn't get a certificate but I will get the next person to check it all when he comes. I forgot to say that just as the guy was leaving yesterday, I switched on the porch light and all the electrics blew. I called him back and he said something like "oh I must have used the wrong wires" indicating to the light switch that he had changed to accommodate the downstairs sensor:eek::eek: I was not happy and it could have happened after he'd gone. Thank goodness I don't usually have these problems.


Registered User
Jul 19, 2009
He sounds like a load of rubbish. I am so lucky that I have an accredited electrician, we just had the house rewired and I have all the certificates, makes such a difference. Like you say, not cheap but worth paying for a good safe job. Sorry you had such a problem with the original man, love Pauline xx


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Oh what a hassle, a time when you need less, not more in your life...:(

I do hope the next chap can sort it out for you and make it workable.

Electricity is the one thing we have to be sure is working properly, you can't see it or smell it if it's going wrong...and it can be lethal.

Love xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
The recommended electrician rang me tonight and I explained the whole story to him. He is going to ring me tomorrow afternoon to make arrangements to visit later tomorrow to view the job. He said he would have tackled the whole thing differently and it sounded encouraging.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Hope it goes well for you, Helen. We had an electrician in recently and when he finished the job he left a survey sheet which asked for comments on his job, his attitude etc. It has the Council's logo on the back and it seems the comments are shown to the tradesman and also published on the website:

I got the guy's name from yellow pages and I seem to have been very lucky with my choice! Izzy x

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen , so sorry you are having this hassle, the builders i am using are very good but the tree surgeon did not fill me with confidensce, hope you get this sorted, its hassle you dont dont need espcially as you were trying to problem solve not vice versa. fingers crossed for tomorrow love pam

Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
Oh Helen, what a load of hassle for you. It is so difficult getting reasonable tradespeople to do jobs. Even if they are accredited by the right body, they are not necessarily helpful. I am glad that we now have a plumber, an electrician (well two of them!) and a tree cutter that we know will do a good job for a fair price. Oh and a garage for the MOT and Service and a fella for clearing gutters (though his daughter does the highest ones!), and a window cleaner who actually cleans them, and a fella who services caravans. Like you, I am prepared to pay for the expertise as well as the labour, but only if they do the job properly. What I now want is a decorator. Becky Jan, any recommendations (she is in my neck of the woods)? And an odd-job man who can turn his hand to anything. Hubby used to be okay at odd jobs, but is getting older and slower and currently has a frozen shoulder. So Becky Jan, give me your list please.



Registered User
Jan 30, 2009
Co. Derry
New washer

I'm just grateful that Hb is going out to shed as I write - to get tool to remove hot/cold pipes as new machine will come tomorrow (today). Electrics - you need an expert & I'm sad to hear of Mr Botch it appearing......xx


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
hi helen sorry you are having a stressfull time just wanted to say hi and say im thinking of you and alan sorry havnt been on tp for a while work is manic kids exited :D we have xmas party friday for seventy kids:eek: anyway hope you get lights sorted will be able to update on lyn soon been busy trying to get his benafits sorted:eek: its the hardest and most confusing thing i have done all the forms are a nightmare:rolleyes: would rather be with all the exited kids:D your advice was taken i rang alzhimers lady called anne came to see us thank you what a big help:) talk to you soon good luck with electrician xx


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
hi helen just caught up on this thread sorry to hear you was having so much trouble with your electrician my brother and his 3 sons are all electricians and when i told him he said no way was he qualified hope its all sorted now sending you this in case:D:D:D sorry :rolleyes: love larivy


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Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hi Lynne,
:D:p You are all making me laugh tonight which I really needed. I felt so intense last night and this morning after that care home programme.