Respite care


Registered User
Mick is going to have a couple of nights respite care starting tomorrow. He is going to a care home where he goes a day a week so it is familiar. He is very dependent on me and doesn't like me out of sight. I don't know how he will react or how I will feel. It seems like another step along the way. Why am I telling you? Because you're there and if you're reading this you probably understand how I'm feeling.

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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Hello Trisha

I do understand how you’re feeling having been in the same position a few years ago.

You can`t know how your husband will react and your feelings will depend on how he reacts. Needless to say , I know you will not have made this decision lightly and it will be paving the way for the future, whatever the future holds.

I only had one experience of respite care because it was followed by full time permanent residential care, I`d left it so late.

Good luck. I hope you will post an update. :)


Registered User
Trisha my husband is going for two weeks care starting next week. So I understand your anxiety. There really isnt any way of being certain of anything regarding dementia so we have to take it on trust and cross our fingers. Your husband is on familiar ground so that's a good start and it is only for a short time.

When John went into the same respite home this time last year he was fine and from the moment we left he never mentioned it again and I don't think he remembered anything about it.

Good wishes and let us know how he gets on.


Registered User
Best of luck, Trisha. My husband was in respite four times in the five months just before he went to full time care. He enjoyed it. He had reached a stage where I really wasn't managing any more. And he also found he enjoyed more company than just mine. In particular, the other male residents. He enjoyed the company of other men. And he really liked having male carers to help him, which was a major factor in him going to full time care. He wouldn't allow me to help him with personal care, and was very aggressive. He was a very private person, but once his nursing home knew to get male carers to help, they never had any problems.

Do let us know how it goes. And take the time to get some rest.


Registered User
Best of luck, Trisha. My husband was in respite four times in the five months just before he went to full time care. He enjoyed it. He had reached a stage where I really wasn't managing any more. And he also found he enjoyed more company than just mine. In particular, the other male residents. He enjoyed the company of other men. And he really liked having male carers to help him, which was a major factor in him going to full time care. He wouldn't allow me to help him with personal care, and was very aggressive. He was a very private person, but once his nursing home knew to get male carers to help, they never had any problems.

Do let us know how it goes. And take the time to get some rest.

I hope all goes well and you enjoy your break.x

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