Reasonable costs - Power of Attorney question


New member
Oct 26, 2022
My father has gone into a care home, Enduring Power of Attorney has been enacted. The appointed Attorneys are relatives. The attorneys are in their 70s and relatively well off i.e. perhaps less aware of today's cost of living. I am the eldest son and my younger brother has mental issues and is mostly incapable of being any practical help and does not work. We are in different parts of the UK by some margin.

The issue of house clearance and removal of decades of collecting 'stuff' has now come up. I feel it is my responsability to help, but equally, there is perhaps an expectation that I have to pay for travel and the costs associated. Given the distances involved and today's costs the direct costs are in excess of £1000 in terms of travel, accommodation, fuel etc. Also cost of skips, boxes etc. And lastly indirect costs associated with our own childcare, dog care whilst we address it.

Nothing is settled, background material on EPA talks of 'reasonable costs'. What is reasonable in this kind of scenario? We haven't the monthly sums to cover this and are making bookings by credit card. We have just visited a few weeks ago which we covered as a typical family visit. This next visit is purely prompted to deal with the residual issues of sorting my father's estate and further visits will be likely.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Hi @Diggersailing and welcome to Dementia Talking Point.
I think it would be worth talking to the attorneys about what they think about costs. To me travel expenses and the cost of a budget hotel seem reasonable, as do cost to house clearing company if you decide to use one and other out of pocket expenses. However unless the attorneys agree I'm not sure how you will get your expenses reimbursed. You could also contact the Office of the Public Guardian (details below)and ask what they think, but unless the attorneys agree to refund you I'm not sure how helpful that would be.
I'm sure others that have had more experience of this will be along with their opinions. I'm my mother's attorney, and apart from care home fees take money from mum's account for things such as new clothes and toiletries. I didn't have that many costs sorting out her flat, as I lived near by and used charities to remove items the family didn't want.

OPG Office address​

PO Box 16185
B2 2WH

United Kingdom
0300 456 0300
0115 934 2778
0870 739 5780


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
£1000 sounds like quite a lot- does that pay for you, or you and the Family? I guess your costs should be met, but not those of additional family members.
Does that sum include acomodation & food etc?


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
A skip here is £280. Does not seem unreasonable to me. Full tank of fuel. One night at a Premier Inn. Easily adds up. Keep receipts I would say.