Really worried


Registered User
Dec 29, 2018
My mum has been admitted to hospital 12 days ago with a condition called Bulbous Pemphigoid she has had a diagnosis of vascular dementia for the past 3 years she is now being screened for delirium. I am very worried has anyone got any experience of this. Many thanks


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
Hi @Cocoloco. I’m sorry to hear about your mum. I’m afraid that I have no experience of the condition your mum has but it looks very uncomfortable. It is common for people with dementia to get delirium when they are ill or in pain and it usually improves when they get better.

I hope your mum makes a full and quick recovery.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2018
Thank you for your reply. This is the worst thing I have ever seen her skin was first full of a rash that the doctor treated for scabies then I went back to gp as after treatment got worse and started to blister and I mean big blisters they said infection then a week on antibiotics and steroid cream , still worse so called for ambulance. In a& e they didn't know what was the cause so after several hours admitted. Then days later when she eventually got to see a dermatologist BP diagnosis . Now the delirium. Poor mum doesn't know what she is saying it's all mixed up , however yesterday she did say she liked it in here. I am at a loss God knows what next


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
I do feel for you. I know that’s not much use. My late mum had delirium after a broken hip. It was horrible to witness but it did get better as she recovered from the physical problems. Have the hospital suggested any treatment to help speed recovery? Or at least make your mum more comfortable