

Registered User
Jan 4, 2018

Mum is in hospital recovering from a chest infection, they are talking about having two carers as she will need to be hoisted till able to stand etc.

Mums current carer thinks this might be reablement.

When mum was in hospital a while ago, (before she ever had carers) she was discharged with a care package that was paid for by LA/Social services, will this 6 weeks care they are talking about now also be covered/chosen/paid for by LA/Social Services?

They are also talking about physio etc intensive for several weeks, possibly daily, I presume this is separate from the 2 carers they are also mentioning who will be needed here to use the hoist for mums care, anyone any experience?

I have googled and read but it doesn't mention if it can be accessed more than once /after another or each hospital discharge.

Thanks x


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
If anyone out there has can help Ohso then please could they reply to this thread because although I have never been in this situation as far as I know Ohso shouldn't have to pay



Registered User
Jul 7, 2019
Ask for continuing health care assessment to be done by the social worker; if hoisting & two people are required ...

Don’t be afraid to ask whether the care comes under social need or healthcare, ask the social worker for advice & also the hospital O/T. Also ask for a copy of all assessments, it’s good to have the issues documented.

I’m just going down the CHC FNC routes so I’m not much help but if you type continuing Healthcare & FNC into the search bar at the top of the forum page other posts will have the topic covered.

good luck & take care


Registered User
Jul 7, 2008
My dad was offered reablement by ss for 6 weeks which was free of charge totally different situation though still at home etc just to see if he wanted them if they were useful etc then after he would be financially assessed


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
A neighbour had three 6 week sessions of reablement spread over a year, they were for 3 different morbidities.
I think this is why he was allow 3 but I may be wrong, there may be some kind of time limit between sessions.
As the reason for reablement is to get the person back to the state they were in before an acute event multiple session for the same problem does not seem likely.
All you can do is ask and hope for the best.



Registered User
Dec 20, 2018
My FiL was sent from hospital to a rehab unit for about 3 weeks to relearn how to shuffle a few steps with his zimmer....he had physio and worked with the ot. When they sent him home (he lives on his own) he was offered the services of the Reablement ladies ;).....they came in at lunchtime to encourage/train him to make his lunch. He had to have a plan for cooking before they arrived, and quickly worked out the easiest thing was just looking at the mwave times for the ready meal he'd chosen.....they were pleased cos they were in and out in a flash, so not sure how useful they were, except it was human contact he wouldn't otherwise have got. He wasn't charged for either of those services. (my husband has just reminded me that he only got them because he has no diagnosis of dementia....apparently people are not considered to be good candidates if they have been diagnosed.....maybe cos of forgetting what they'd learned?)