Rapid changes


Registered User
Oct 13, 2006
So I have just retured from 2 months travelling before i start life in the real world of working!! I recently graduated from uni!! I start next monday!

So now i am home for good and boy have i had a big shock!!
Mum has got ridiculously worse since i last saw her:
-she is aggressive (I have already been punched in the eye!)
-She now doesnt know who i am
-She loves me she hates me
-She talks to her self including: shouting, rambling, histericly laughs (When i say talks she is making no sence at all)
- She spits
-She growls
-She cant walk
-She now cant even get in the shower so she just has a flannel wash!
-She keeps dad awake at night by talking/ shouting
-She wont eat
-She incontinent!
I could go on but i think i would need to write a book!!

Sorry for the list but i just cant get over how bad things have got over 9 weeks!!

She has a special consultant appt in london next week which will hopefully shed some light!!

It feels wierd for me, i have actually cried and i havent done this since we found out 5 years ago!! I like to think of myself as a strong person but im falling appart!!

I hope things can only get better but then i realise that we now live in the real world!!!

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Lauren

It sounds as if your mother`s specialist appointment can`t come soon enough. I do hope you all get good advice and help.

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