question about family get togethers


Registered User
Jul 6, 2014
Hello. My first time posting so want to give a bit of info. Because my 88 yr. old mother has only been diagnosed with mild cognitive dementia to date, it is very difficult to follow some of the recommended suggestions. She doesn't fall into a lot of the categories. Her short term memory is strongly affected and at this point every other aspect of her health is quite good. My 5 sisters and I have yearly included Mom in a 'girls' weekend' for over 10 yrs although the last five or six have become more trying. Even before her memory loss, she would say that each year was her last because of the amount of walking we do, but would each year participate because she enjoys being with us all. We would just slow down our activities year by year. Last year was not so great.
She lives in her own apartment in a seniors set up where her meals are prepared for her daily in a large social setting. She looks after herself other than that and a sister lives 5 min. away and does her cleaning for her, shopping with her and her laundry. This year the discussion has come up about whether we invite Mom for the overnight stay as she gets quite confused when she wakes up through the night and doesn't show the interest in even 'toned down' activities. She is not a happy person when she feels we are coddling her or looking after her.
Three of the sisters think that because somehow it is in her head that she 'thinks' she wants to come for overnight, we should allow that for one of the two nights. Their justifications are that we don't know many more times she will be able to join us. They feel that this is important to her and that we should honor that.

I have openly disagreed, instead think picking her up for the day (one meal) and a few hours is plenty and take her home for her supper meal and her own sleeping quarters. She doesn't remember where she has been anyway or where she slept etc. only in brief flashes usually. Myself and one other sister are coming off as a bit uncaring when in fact I think we are only trying to keep Mom in the best environment for her own mental stability. Are we wrong? Of course, because all sisters have a great repore and relationship I won't upset the apple cart over this and have said I would go along with the consensus.

My girlfriend suggested I search for some dementia care advice so I have come here. We don't know how long Mom will be around for sure, and yet I don't feel this is the way to spend our time with her. She is so much better on a one on one visit. Half of us are a long distance away (over 3 hours at the least) so regular visits do not work. Can someone offer some advice without referring me to outside care support? Thank you.


Registered User
Jan 28, 2011
Hi Ptootie, I think your solution seems the best all round, you're including your mum, but not tiring or confusing her.

None of us knows how long we've got our loved ones ( suffering illness or not!) but that shouldn't cloud our judgement on what's best for the person, & it doesn't sound as though your mum will get great benefit from the full break.

I hope you all come to a satisfactory agreement for everyone

Lin x

Sorry forgot to say welcome to TP x


Registered User
Oct 18, 2012
Nr Heathrow, Mum has AD & VD
How lovely to have so many siblings! One to one sounds best to me - what does the sibling who spends most time with Mum think? If it is a 50/50 split, I think her view should perhaps be the deciding vote.

Welcome from me too :)

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Hi Ptootie

I have had EO symptoms and find social gatherings very difficult, I am much better one to one. When I am in a good phase I cope more but it is still very challenging but I am only 53. When I do meet up with friends, annually, of course I enjoy it and then forget anything is wrong and want to do whatever is planned but in reality it proves too much for me.

It sounds to me that you have greater insight into your Mom's condition and its effect on her. She probably does want to stay overnight but is unable to gauge what is best for her given her condition and I think you are probably right, her own environment would be preferable. Is it the sister that lives near her that agrees with you? I would think that her opinion would be more significant as she sees her regularly.

Hope you reach the right decision between you:)
Best wishes
Sue J


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
A couple of years ago, we, ( my OH and I) took my Mum out to South Africa for a family wedding. She had been visiting my sister there almost every year for about 25 years. We vowed never again. She was unable to be ciivil to me, she demanded constant attention from everyone, her ability to concentrate in a group setting vanished overnight, and 20 mins after the plan had landed home, she was asking why she had been. She too lived at home by herself, admittedly with daily carers to help with medicines etc. 4 months later she was moved into a care home.

If your Mum is finding group situations difficult now, she may be ten times worse when outside her safe, home environment.
I'm on the side of the enjoy a few hours and home for bedtime vote:).

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